Nicolás Maduro orders free days on Friday and cuts working hours – 13/04/2019


Nicolás Maduro decided Friday not to work so that Venezuelans have long weekends of three days and can rest, in April and May of this year, without however explaining the reasons of this free time.

He announced that the decree had been issued this Saturday and would only apply to workers in the public administration. The measure of the long weekend begins this Friday, April 12th.

In fact, schools and public education units did not run this Friday, although the authorities have not explained the reason for this decision of the executive. The long term covers about 3 million workers in the public sector.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Maduro also did not explain the reasons that motivated him to enact the free Friday after have reduced working hours to 6 hours a day, from 8 am to 2 pm in the afternoon, including the private banking sector. In this way, they will work only 4 days a week with a total of 24 hours a week.

In fact, the Administration's employees are working shortly after March 7, when the national electrical system exploded for lack of maintenance, leaving the entire country in the dark for over 100 hours. Power outages continued without prospects for medium-term solutions.

Many agencies such as the Central Bank of Venezuela have shut down and paralyzed their activities, giving their 2,000 employees indefinite holidays. Other offices, such as identification and aliens, serve the public in an irregular and intermittent manner.

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Maduro has not been able to restore the national electricity service. He ordered to keep the light in Caracas at the expense of rationing in the rest of the country. That is why it is issuing this decree to save energy due to the severe power cuts of up to 24 hours in several regions, in particular the Zulia state oil, where the average temperature is 40 degrees Celsius. shade and where people are forced to sleep street for heat.

Caracas, special


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