Nicolás Maduro presented the molecule that “annihilates” the coronavirus | the Chronicle


The President of Venezuela, Nicolas maduro, presented in the company on DR-10 molecule, who according to “kills” the coronavirus in its entirety and has been sent to the World Health Organization for review and possible approval.

The molecule was manufactured at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC), which ensured that the molecule neutralizes Covid-19without any type of toxicity that affects healthy molecules to generate negative side effects“.

In a video posted to Twitter by Rafael “Dracula” Lacava, Governor of Carabobo, Maduro showed the molecule in public and thanks the Venezuelan scientists for this discovery.

This is DR-10, this molecule neutralizes and eliminates one hundred percent of coronavirus. With this we go. It is the pure molecule. Here we are advancing for the Venezuelan people and for humanity, for health, against the coronavirus. At a firm, rigorous and disciplined scientific pace “, said the chavist leader with the container in his hands.

The Venezuelan government said in mid-October that the studies came from a plant with medicinal activities, which had been transferred to IVIC by a group of researchers to begin a chemical study of its properties.

The chemical study was launched and it was followed through the biological activity of cells infected with the virus isolated from Venezuelan patients Sars-Cov2, the same viruses that we are sequencing in the country “, said the Minister of Science and Technology of Venezuela, Gabriela Jimenez.

In this sense, the official reported that “The active principle of the molecule has been identified, it is a derivative of ursolic acid, and this molecule shows a hundred percent inhibition of viral replication in vitro”.

Since the beginning of the pandemicThere have been 99,835 cases of infection, 871 deaths and 94,355 cures in Venezuela, according to data released by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Maduro video showing the molecule


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