Nicolás Maduro revealed meetings with the United States


Nicolás Maduro during interview with Ian Phillips, vice president of international news of AP, at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas Source: AP

CARACAS (AP) – In the midst of Venezuela's growing crisis, plunged into constant attractiveness and looseness


, President

Nicolás Maduro

He revealed yesterday that his chancellor had met in New York in secret the United States special envoy for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, whom the president had invited to the South American nation.

Maduro confirmed the meeting during an interview with the vice president of international information at The Associated Press, at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas. Meanwhile, a senior Venezuelan official said the second of his two meetings was held on February 11, four days after Abrams said the time for dialogue with Maduro had "long gone." of

Donald Trump

publicly supported efforts to overthrow the struggling Venezuelan leader.

During the interview, although he criticized Trump's belligerent stance towards his socialist government, Maduro said he hoped to hold a meeting with the US president in order to to resolve a crisis stemming from the recognition of the US government as leader of the opposition.

Juan Guaidó

as president in charge of Venezuela.

Likewise, the chavist leader stated that during his stay in New York, his foreign minister had invited Abrams to Venezuela, either "privately, publicly or in secret". He added: "If he wants to meet, let him tell when, where and how and I go."

The relationship with the United States

The oil country has been shaken for three weeks by the balance of power between Guaidó and Chavez's president, Nicolás Maduro, who opposes the entry of inputs as the beginning of an intervention.

Sometimes, in a conciliatory and combative tone, Maduro said that all that Venezuela needs to recover is that Trump removes his "infected hand" from the country, which has the largest oil reserves in the world. He denounced the US sanctions against the oil industry that are causing the difficulties of Venezuelans, although the shortage of goods and hyperinflation that, according to economists, reach one million percent started well before the measures adopted by Trump.

"They hang us, they steal our money, then they tell us:" Wait, there are crumbs "and they are doing a world exhibition," Maduro said. "Venezuela, with dignity, says: No to the world show, all those who want to help Venezuela are welcome, but we are able to pay for everything we need."


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