Nicolás Maduro said he would work “with patience” to …


The President of Venezuela, Nicolas maduro, said this Sunday that will work “patiently” to establish “decent, sincere and direct” channels of dialogue with the President-elect of the United States, the Democrat Joe biden. Maduro warned that outgoing President Donald Trump left “a minefield” between Venezuela and the United States. The Trump administration has imposed heavy financial sanctions on Venezuela, including an oil embargo in effect since April 2019. Last May, Venezuelan security forces stopped two maritime invasions that killed at least eight people.

“We will work in faith, with patience, with God’s blessings, we will work, we hope, to resume decent, sincere and direct channels of dialogue between the future government of Joe Biden and the legitimate and constitutional government of Venezuela, which I chair, “Maduro said during an act broadcast by the local public television channel, VTV.

In addition to clarifying his intention to promote dialogue with the next White House tenant, Maduro noted that Biden cemented his election victory by “The hope of the vast majority” to continue “change” in the United States and the world.

The target of aggressive US sanctions and blockades aimed at forcing his exit, Maduro severed diplomatic relations with Washington in January 2019, after the Trump administration recognized Juan Guaidó, the leader of Parliament, as president in charge. “Trump left a minefield between the US government and Venezuela (…), left a mired field. I know, we know, ”the Venezuelan president said, hoping that the Biden administration“ would end American interventionism ”in Latin America.


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