Nicolás Maduro tried to withdraw 1200 million dollars in gold and the Bank of England denied


The Maduro government has been trying for months to get their hands on the gold reserves at the Bank. Source: Archives – Credit: Reuters

Nicolás Maduro attempted to withdraw 1200 million dollars in gold from the Bank of England, but the entity refused the transfer, according to information
Bloomberg specialized means.

This amount is part of the $ 8 billion available to the Venezuelan government in terms of reserves. The location of this money is largely unknown.

The Maduro government has been trying for months to obtain the gold reserves found at the Bank of England. Last December, for example, Calixto Ortega, president of the Central Bank of Venezuela, went to London to agree on a transfer.

These negotiations failed, according to Bloomberg. Now, the situation in


it's pressing more and more. Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader proclaimed "president in charge", said today about the Venezuelan army that supports Maduro: "We'll see how loyal they are to the # Usurper when there is no money to pay their wages "

The demonstrations of the last weeks in Venezuela left 26 dead. Guaidó has been recognized as President of Venezuela by the United States, the European Union and many countries in the region. Maduro accuses him of being an "American agent".

Over the weekend, Guaidó will organize new protests against the Maduro government, which refuses to give up Miraflores. The institutional conflict is exacerbated in the midst of an unprecedented social crisis in the Caribbean country.


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