Nicolás Maduro warned that he was not going to "jerk off the pulse" to put the leaders of the rebellion in jail – 01/05/2019


Nicolás Maduro reappeared Wednesday at an important event on the occasion of Labor Day. It was aimed at the Venezuelan opposition led by Juan Guaidó and the United States government. consider that they want "a civil war" in the country. In addition, he raised the tone of his warnings.

"I will not prevent, when justice orders it, to put behind the persons responsible for this coup d'etat", badured Maduro around the Miraflores presidential palace.

His remarks seemed to be aimed not only at the rebel military, but also at the political leaders of the opposition.

Nicolás Maduro at a ceremony for Labor Day. Reuter Photo.

Nicolás Maduro at a ceremony for Labor Day. Reuter Photo.

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"Yesterday Tuesday he tried to enforce the betrayal of a handful of soldiers captured by the right-wing coup (…) They are fleeing between embbady and embbady, ​​Justice he seeks them and sooner than later, they will go to jail for treason and crimes, "he said.

Twenty-seven soldiers requested asylum at the Embbady of Brazil, while the opposing referent Leopoldo López is a refugee in Spain with his family after leaving the residential prison.

"The opposition and imperialism want to lead us to a civil war. If I had sent tanks and tanks to confront this group yesterday, what would have happened? A mbadacre among Venezuelans. And in Washington, they would have celebrated and sent a military intervention to occupy the homeland of Simón Bolivar, "Maduro launched from the Miraflores Palace.

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Personified in John Bolton, the national security chief of Donald Trump, the ideologue of a coup attempt, said that those responsible for the failed uprising are wanted by the courts and are going to jail.

"That shot led John Bolton White House. I request that the investigation into the attack on Venezuelan democracy be conducted. They say that a group of senior officials of the Venezuelan state was in negotiations with the United States. And they appoint a group of loyal officials. It was his hope. The Venezuelan putschists this time deceived imperialism and made him believe that I was going to surrender, "he said.

Maduro insisted that "imperialism could not be against our commander Chavez, and I say this today: they could not or will not be able with us under any circumstance. They do not understand the rebellion we carry inside and the desire to defend national independence. "

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He insisted that he had "a much clearer picture of the conspiracy and the coup that we defeated yesterday Tuesday." They tried to enforce the betrayal of a handful of people.

"What they had left was to withdraw, to flee (in reference to Leopoldo López). And they betrayed the same people they had mobilized, "he added.


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