Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship criticized the donation of millions of dollars from the international community for Venezuelan migrants


Jorge Arreaza, chancellor of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Photo: EFE / Rayner Peña)
Jorge Arreaza, chancellor of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Photo: EFE / Rayner Peña)

The dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro condemned this Thursday the celebration of the “Donors’ Conference for Venezuelan Migration” and the donation of $ 954 million from the international community to help the displaced, who already number more than five and a half million.

“Venezuelan society today observes with indignation the development, on its behalf, of a new edition of the media farce called ‘Donor Conference for Venezuelan Migration’, without knowing the destination of the big funds announced, and supposedly collected, during the last two years for this purpose ”, he declared. Jorge Arreaza, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Venezuelan regime, in a press release.

“The world is witnessing a crude anti-Venezuelan political propaganda operation, which is also very lucrative, according to the organizers’ own statements, who admit to having collected to date the not inconsiderable sum of two thousand eight hundred million dollars, of which the fate, it must be repeated, is little or nothing known. It should be noted that the United Nations agencies specializing in migration issues and their partners are rubbing their hands in the expectation of having this juicy parallel budget, the fruit of the suffering of innocent human beings, ”he said. added.

Arreaza justified the migratory wave of Venezuelans by the sanctions imposed by the United States and other countries of the international community: “The organizers and participants of such a one-sided meeting do not allow a single reference to the unilateral coercive measures of the United States, Canada and the European Union, at the origin of the Venezuelan economic crisis which pushes human groups towards the experience of migration. “

“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela condemns the cynicism of this cartoonish convocation and calls on the governments and organizations which participate in the farce so obvious, to cease their acts of political, economic and communicational aggression against Venezuela,” liberate Venezuelan funds and assets and lift the despicable financial and commercial blockade that they themselves promote or facilitate, against the economy, stability and peace of the Venezuelan people“Concludes the statement issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Venezuelan dictatorship.

The declaration of the Chavist foreign ministry
The declaration of the Chavist foreign ministry

The International Conference of Donors in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants held this Thursday achieved the commitment of countries and institutions to contribute $ 1,554 million to this crisis, of which $ 954 million in the form of grants and $ 600 million in credits.

In addition, Colombia has pledged to grant temporary protection status to 1.8 million migrants while other countries, such as Peru, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic and the United States, have proposed similar measures to regularize displaced persons.

The Minister of International Development of Canada, Karina gould, a country that hosted the conference with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), pointed out that this year six new countries have agreed to contribute funds.

The number of donations is higher than the figure reached at the previous conference, held last year, when the commitments were established in $ 653 million.

Gould drew questions from the agency EFE after the conclusion of the conference, in which 46 countries participated as well as institutions such as the world Bank or the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), What “We can be very proud of the increase in donations that we have obtained today.”

An increase which, he continued, is “sign“Of the recognition of this”serious crisis“And his”huge impact“In the countries of the region. “I am very pleased with the level of donations announced today and of course I thank all donors, including the new six as well as those who have increased their contributions compared to last year.“He added.

Canada has announced that it will allocate $ 93 million in donations for the crisis while the United States has doubled its contribution compared to last year to reach a $ 400 million.

More than five and a half million Venezuelans have left the country in search of a better future (Colprensa)
More than five and a half million Venezuelans have left the country in search of a better future (Colprensa)

For its part, Spain pledged some $ 59.5 million in aid, a contribution on top of the additional 50 million euros committed in 2020.

The Spanish contribution was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Arancha González Laya, who underlined during his speech that “the host countries give a lesson in solidarity which deserves all our support: “This is our way of telling the Venezuelan people and host communities in Latin America that we are not going to leave them alone. They continue and will continue to count on Spain ”.

Philippe Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, also noted that “increased contributions are welcome” and added that “further pledges are likely” in the rest of the year: “While we are not going to meet 100% of needs, we are improving from last year’s contributions, and that is a good sign.”

For its part, Antonio Vitorio, the director general of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), explained according to the data of this institution that “there are still migratory flows from Venezuela to the host countries”. “We expect the flows to continue to increase for the remainder of the year. We must be prepared to respond to these increases in displaced people“, He added.

Grandi also showed his satisfaction because Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic and United States pledged to begin regularization of internally displaced persons and estimated at around three million people, more than half of the Venezuelan diaspora, the number who will benefit from these measures.

The contributions between grants and loans cover the figure that the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) urgently requested last week to respond to the crisis. Then, this organization estimated the amount needed to help Venezuelan migrants and refugees at $ 1,440 million.

With information from the EFE


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