Nicolás Maduro’s regime and the Venezuelan opposition reached two partial agreements during the recent day of dialogue in Mexico


Norway has released the first official photo of the dialogue process between the Chavismo and the Venezuelan opposition (Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Norway has released the first official photo of the dialogue process between the Chavismo and the Venezuelan opposition (Photo: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

After the conclusion of the round of negotiations between the regime of Nicolás Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition, the head of the delegation representing Chavismo at the dialogue table, Jorge Rodríguez, assured that the two parties had reached two partial agreements after several hours of discussions and differences.

Rodríguez announced that one of the resolutions they reached concerns the defense and the right to sovereignty of Venezuela over the territory of Guayana Esequiba, which is the subject of a claim between the Venezuelan State and the Government of Guyana.

Secondly, the representative of Chavismo also assured that they agreed with the opposition of a common effort for the social protection of Venezuelans. At this point, the socialist leader insisted on the need for the regime to control the assets which are abroad and those which are They cannot access it because they do not have international recognition as the legitimate government of Venezuela.

“We don’t need anyone to give us anything, we have enough resources”, Rodríguez said, referring to the fact that with money deposited abroad it is possible to obtain “COVID vaccines, equip hospitals and participate in food programs”.

The regime representative stated that Chavismo and the opposition will meet again in Mexico City for a new round of negotiations on September 24, 25, 26 and 27.

Rodríguez announced that at this next meeting he will talk about “The institutional agreement on law, economy and social protection for the Venezuelan people.”

Venezuela’s regime and opposition closed in Mexico City on Monday a round of negotiations in which Chavismo calls for the lifting of economic sanctions and the opposition, free elections.

The fourth day of meetings started shortly before noon local in a central hotel in the Mexican capital, according to a source close to the meeting.

The parties reached this closure with “partial agreements”said sunday Jorge rodriguez, head of the Venezuelan parliament and henchman of dictator Nicolás Maduro.

Gerardo Blyde, chief opposition negotiator, confirmed that “Early deals” have been made that aim to alleviate the deep economic crisis plaguing Venezuela, although he stressed that the underlying problem is an economic model that “failed”.

Maduro warned on Sunday that these negotiations would not lead to “impunity”, which is interpreted as a warning to the adversary. Juan Guaido, the president in charge facing multiple charges in Venezuela.

The fourth and final day of four days of meetings began shortly before noon at a central hotel in the Mexican capital (Photo: REUTERS)
The fourth and final day of four days of meetings began shortly before noon at a central hotel in the Mexican capital (Photo: REUTERS)

Negotiations are facilitated by Norway and It is expected that in the afternoon, at the close of the meeting, there will be an announcement of potential deals.

The US State Department on Friday welcomed the start of the dialogue and He expressed his wish that “democracy” be restored peacefully in Venezuela.

In the joint memorandum, the parties raised seven points for discussion, among which stand out political rights, electoral guarantees and an observable election calendar., priority topics on the opposition agenda since Friday.

The document also includes the main demand of the Maduro government: that the economic sanctions led by Washington be lifted or relaxed against the South American country.

The dialogue is conducted with a view to elections of governors and mayors next November, or the main opposition political parties will participate, breaking a three-year electoral boycott.

Maduro’s attack in the midst of negotiations

When his negotiators say they seek peace, the dictator has promised to jail the opposition leader (Photo: Europa Press)
When his negotiators say they seek peace, the dictator has promised to jail the opposition leader (Photo: Europa Press)

“The United States was looking for a weakling, an idiot, trained, to act like a puppet and seek what they were looking for, the overthrow of the government, the destruction of the Bolivarian revolution, the political colonization of Venezuela”, said dictator Nicolás Maduro in a TV interview as the dialogues take place in Mexico.

Yes indeed, When his negotiators say they seek peace, the dictator has promised to imprison the opposition leader: “In Mexico, there will be no impunity, nor on Mars … that all these bandits, that Guaidó, pay before the Venezuelan laws ”.

And he added: “There must be severe justice because he did a lot of damage ”.

The Chavist assured that he has the feeling that in Mexico they are negotiating with the United States: “Because these politicians have always reacted to American policies, in times of Bush, of Obama, of Asset, and now from Biden”.

And Guaidó replied: “Remember you are the one stated in the ICC [Corte Penal Internacional] and has 15 million as a reward. You don’t dare go out into the street to listen to people “. “And I (dream) that Venezuela is free and democratic. We will see that day. This is why we are fighting in the streets and looking for an agreement in Mexico “, replied the Leader of the Opposition.

(With information from AFP)

Read on:

The head of the Maduro delegation in Mexico: Jorge Rodríguez, “the macabre spirit” behind the structure of the Chavist dictatorship
Who are the new representatives of dictator Nicolás Maduro in the process of dialogue with the opposition in Mexico
Juan Guaidó replied to dictator Nicolás Maduro: “Remember you are the one indicated by the criminal court and for which they are offering $ 15 million as a reward”

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