Nicolás Maduro’s regime has started vaccinating Chavista MPs in Venezuela


Alfonso Campos Jessurun (@ElCambioVE)
Alfonso Campos Jessurun (@ElCambioVE)

Despite recommendations from international health authorities, the first to receive the coronavirus vaccine in Venezuela are not the elderly or at-risk patients, but Chavista officials. This Monday, the deputy Alfonso Campos Jessurun has shown on social networks the document certifying having received the first dose of the Russian formula Sptunik V. However, after a while, he deleted the message.

“Today I received my first dose of the Gam-COVID-Vac or Sputnik V vaccine, thinking it will reach the last Venezuelan. We continue to move forward in the fight to get #ElCambio for our country “the 48-year-old Venezuelan MP said on his social media.

Member of the El Cambio party, Campos Jessurun was on the list of “opposition” deputies who stood for the last legislative elections organized by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, despite not having the recognition of a large part of the international community and a good part of the arch of the Venezuelan opposition for having considered the elections as “fraudulent”.

Capture of the tweet published - then deleted - by Campos Jessurun
Capture of the tweet published – then deleted – by Campos Jessurun

Thus, Campos Jessurun is now part of the National Assembly (AN) installed by Chavismo last January, which is made up of Chavist officials and opponents linked to the regime. Some of them even They have been implicated in Chavismo corruption cases.

Although indications from international organizations indicate that the first to be vaccinated should be the elderly or patients at risk, Last week, Maduro acknowledged that in Venezuela, the regime’s military and politicians will have priority over vaccination against COVID-19.

Priority sectors also include “the 14,000 door-to-door visitation brigades” – supporters of the regime who, Maduro assured, have monitored infections – “the staff of social workers who visit homes permanently. to meet the needs “” of the security personnel who walk the streets to protect people, “he said.

Maduro will prioritize vaccination of military and political elite

The dictator detailed in a public message that regime officials and members of the Chavista National Assembly – unrecognized by much of the international community – will also have priority, while Maduro himself and his wife, Cilia Flores, also MEP, will also be part of this group.

“The vaccination plan includes the authorities who, because of their work, justify their street activity, their particular protection so that the State continues its march. Likewise, the deputies will be vaccinated in this first stage “he said to justify the decision.

Venezuela has started applying Russian vaccine Sputnik V (EFE / Rayner Peña R)
Venezuela has started applying Russian vaccine Sputnik V (EFE / Rayner Peña R)

Maduro said he hopes that by April Venezuela will be in “a phase of mass vaccination”, and that the country can count on vaccines developed by Cuba, China, Russia and those acquired through the COVAX mechanism, although he stressed that it will be the National Institute of Hygiene “which will give the last word” on its possible approval. In the latter case, Venezuela has not paid the amount needed to obtain the inoculants managed by the World Health Organization, and PAHO said on Wednesday that it will have to pay $ 18 million in advance.

The Venezuelan dictator has also turned to his ally Russia to acquire 10 million of the Sputnik V vaccine, a first batch of 100,000 doses of which arrived last Saturday, which will begin to be applied to health personnel in the coming hours.


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