Nicole Neumann, terrified by a supposed spell of black magic against her – 07/25/2018


Since returning from Europe, where she was on vacation with her new boyfriend Matías Tasín and also participated with Marley and Mirko's Program Por el Mundo (Telefe) [19659002] Nicole Neumann has no respite. First she found a scandal caused by the filtering of an audio in which she reproached her ex-husband for several things, Fabián Cubero .

In this dispute of personal and media dyes, was involved Mica Viciconte current footballer's couple, who responded spicely by listening to Nicole's voice that gave him "shame" see how Poroto was treated after the divorce. After strong statements crossed between blondes, there is now a new center of interest for the model

A follower on social networks sent him a private message to Neumann and alarmed him about a situation: informed her that someone was doing black magic to hurt her .

  Nicole Neumann shared images of a warning of a follower.

Nicole Neumann shared pictures of a warning of a follower.

  Nicole Neumann shared images of a warning of a follower.

Nicole Neumann shared pictures of a warning that followed him.

This is from the Instagram account LaSuerte2018 – where they throw cards from the Spanish bridge – that they sent him a photo with the letters that had reached him: and 4 of spades. And, they warned: "They did a work of high black magic"

As if that was not enough, they even directed who would be the alleged manufacturer of the fate: "Court and treason of young woman ". Will it be an allusion to the panelist of Incorrect (America, at 17:15)?

Nicole was surprised to read the message of the user and stated: "Believe or burst … Fear!" . And of course, he did not let it pbad, approving what he received and sharing the message to all his followers (@nikitaneumannoficial, account in which he has nearly a million followers ) in a story on Instagram.

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