Nicole Neumann's bold look to meet the Smurfs with Marley and Mirko


Nicole Neumann was the guest of the week in Around the World the reality of Marley's trip, which in her last stop arrived in Belgium. The couple visited the mandatory points of Brussels and Bruges and one of the most curious attractions was interactive exhibition dedicated to The Smurfs . These beloved characters were born in this northern country 60 years ago and have become a worldwide phenomenon, with translations in more than 30 languages.

For this tour, Nicole chose a bold look, which attracted the attention of viewers. It was a white mini dress with a big sidebad (side neckline) that sometimes seemed to leave the offside to the model – fortunately, it did not happen – . Although the decor does not seem to fit with the theme of the children's walk, Nicole wears it very well.

The look generated an unusual discussion on social networks. Some users have taken the opportunity to criticize Nicole, who is the target of many enemies after their separation from Fabián Cubero, and defenestraron for not having "located" in a favorable situation to the family. One user in particular was very spiritual: "For me, I wore a bathrobe to do an ultrasound because this dress has nothing."

Of others, on the other hand, have praised his silhouette and his "hanger" to carry such a flawlessly complicated design. "Everything looks good" sums up a follower.Many also emphasized Nicole's accuracy in the list of historical data and his memory. "It looked like a tourist guide," said another fan of the model.

Beyond the controversy of the dress, the couple amused themselves and made a little trip to childhood on their tour of The Smurf Experience Mirko met the Smurfs and even smiled at one of them

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