Nielsen described the axes of the economic policy of Alberto F.


Alberto Fernández will talk with Argentinian creditors to obtain a negotiated impact on debt maturities

When he comes to the government, Alberto Fernández will sit down to talk to Argentinean creditors in order to reach a negotiated rebuilding of debt maturities and take advantage of the global waiting for Vaca Muerta to send quickly to Congress a bill specifying what Foreign investments will be encouraged for the exploitation of this resource, which will reinforce a "willingness to pay" that should be adapted to the "capacity to pay" of the country.

In this way, he has advanced Guillermo Nielsen at a presentation to investors and local market operators He made it Friday in the offices of Maxinta Valores in Buenos Aires.

Nielsen said that the desire to honor the debt of the eventual administration is "total". "This should only be adapted to the ability to pay," which could lead to a "reperfilamiento" that would be "bonus per bonus and no withdrawal". "It must be a friendly process," he insisted.

He also noticed The priority 1 of a Fernández administration will be Vaca Muerta. "We will be looking for the shale oil revolution that took 15 years in the United States to be realized here in a third of this period".

To clarify this priority It is expected "to send a law to Congress from the early days of the government to encourage foreign investment in this country. He will consider a reduction in the aliquot of earnings and will establish that what they get for exports may remain in a trust in New York. We will seek to make the country an active exporter of oil, gas and shale gas, "a signal that will be sought by reinforcing a" pipeline to be exported to San Pablo, "La Nación said.

Nielsen also anticipated that they will seek to have a less volatile exchange rate, for which the "reserve" will be re-established in order to discourage the entry of financial capital speculative, alluding to the measure planned in the months preceding the renegotiation of the debt of 2005, when he accompanied the former Minister of Economy Roberto Lavagna in the management. He also announced that the deadlines will be restored for the liquidation of the remaining exports on the local exchange market.

In addition, he admitted that They will seek to reduce inflation through a "price and wage" agreement, although he recognizes it as a "shortcut". "Basically, it's a problem that's solved with a sound monetary policy that can be restrictive but should not stifle activity ", He said by critically referring to the current benchmark rates of the economy.

With regard to possible reforms excluded the possibility of facing some in the pension system, because "Macri has already burned this possibility", but said that they will seek a labor reform, something about which the unions are already "advised".

Finally, Nielsen discussed some of the definitions of the meeting that, along with his colleague Cecilia Todesca, was held during the week with the new Finance Minister, Hernán Lacunza: "We ask you not to leave us time bombs, although we know that some – like the Leliqs – will affect us "he stressed.

Asked by the participants, he acknowledged that they made a special mention of the oil freeze since it is a 100% dollarized sector, that's why they suggested to the government of I am thinking of going towards a "progressive defrost" in the coming months.

As well They criticized the removal of VAT on food for poorly applied people: "They should have made VAT refunds via cards" to be less regressive and prevent some from taking advantage of the shadow areas to appropriate the tax. He added that, in return, they had badured the Minister that they would try to give "signs of peace" so that this step would be spent with the least possible costs.

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