Nigeria: Triple suicide bombing in memory of 30 people in Boko Haram Fortress | Chronic


At least 30 people died and 42 others were wounded in a triple suicide bombing in Nigeria's northeastern region, where the radical Islamist group was born and operates Boko Haram

The violent incident occurred last in the city of Konduga, in the state of Borno, when the attackers blew up homemade explosive charges in front of a place where dozens of people watched a football game.

The director of search and rescue operations of the National Agency for Emergency Management (SEMA), Usman Kachala, went on Monday to the scene of the attack with reporters and explained that 17 people died there instantly.

The latest deaths were lost after not receiving immediate medical attention after the army cordoned off the area, Kachala told the EFE news agency.

The attack, the worst in months in northeastern Nigeria, occurred in the city of Konduga, about 40 kilometers from Maiduguri, the capital of Borno, birthplace and main stronghold of Boko Haram.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António GuterresHe strongly condemned the attacks.

In a statement issued by the office of his spokesperson, António Guterres expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the victims, to the government and to the Africans, and wished a speedy recovery to the wounded.

It is not usual that Boko Haram claims his attacks, which are very common in Borno.
The group, created in 2009, uses women and men as suicide bombers as part of their violent campaign to impose an Islamic court in a predominantly Muslim country in the north and predominantly Christian in the south.

After nearly ten years of conflict, the Boko Haram insurgency, which means in local languages ​​"non-Islamic education is a sin," caused 27,000 deaths in Nigeria and more than 1.7 million people still can not go home.

The most famous act perpetrated by the Islamists occurred in 2014, when 276 girls were kidnapped in a school in Chibok, Borno, who served as the bargaining element and in the same way. wife for the jihadists.

After the release and rescue of some in 2017 and 2018, Boko Haram is still in possession of 112 people.
A multinational multinational force composed of Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad has considerably weakened the presence and power of Boko Haram.

But jihadists continue to launch indiscriminate attacks on sensitive areas such as schools, mosques or markets.


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