Night mode arrives on YouTube: I know why it's best to use it


This modality has many advantages and is available in several applications.

  Night mode arrives on YouTube: I know why it should be used
Night mode arrives on YouTube: I learned the reasons why it should be used

More and more applications, both for the phone cellular and for Internet pages, include the dark side; that is, they provide the user the ability to configure the screen appearance to use dark backgrounds instead of clear, and gray tones at the same time. place of colors.

The application that offers this possibility is YouTube ] Recently, the most popular video platform in the world decided to activate the option on Android phones, because for Apple, she was already available. But how can we configure it?

On the smartphone

In the app, you tap the icon at the top right, where it should be s & # 39; act from the picture of the person or the picture of your account, looking for the configuration, dark mode, ready.

This dark mode can be activated in the available applications, which usually appear in the settings or settings of each application It can be identified as dark mode, night mode, dark theme, or something similar.

On Computer

The most effective way in this case is to download an add-on for the web browser, so that all pages are converted to the times and you do not have to configure each one of them. It is recommended Dark Reader that it is free and works with Chrome and Firefox.

Advantages of using the dark mode

  • This is good for rest of the sight . This is motivated because there are many hours spent in front of the screen and the brighter and brighter they are, the more visual fatigue is generated. That's why turning web pages into dark mode helps reduce visual fatigue.
  • Saves energy. The screen of mobile devices is one of the elements that consumes the most batteries and the higher the brightness, the higher the consumption is important. That is why it is said that switching the most frequently used applications in dark mode, while decreasing the brightness of the screen, can also save up to 20% on the battery.
  • Greater confidentiality. The dark mode also allows you to have more privacy in the use of the cell phone in public.

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