Nine dead in India’s rock avalanche


The inhabitants of the state of Himachal Pradesh, in northern India, experienced a nightmare last Sunday after large stones collapsed from a mountain. The terrible natural disaster left nine people dead, although by its magnitude it could have been worse.

Large stones at high speed fell from a hill hit a car that was mostly tourists. In addition to the impact of the rocks, the bridge where the vehicle was traveling collapsed, which aggravated the disaster.

According to Europa Press, citing Asian News International, according to initial reports, the victims were traveling in a passenger vehicle when, while crossing an iron bridge, a landslide occurred causing the fall of several rocks on them and the ensuing collapse. the structure.

According to what was learned from the Indo-Tibetan border police, eleven people were traveling in the vehicle which was surprised by the avalanche of stones, nine of whom died. Very close to the place there were more cars parked and a lot of people who saw what was happening.

This European agency announced that the Prime Minister of the country, Narendra Modi, expressed his condolences for this tragic event. In addition, he announced compensation of two million rupees (22,800 euros) for the families of the victims and 500,000 (5,700 euros) rupees for the injured.

The natural disaster has once again left the balance dead.

The collapse was due to heavy rains and flooding that hit India. The natural disaster has so far left some 140 dead and dozens missing.

The video, which has been recorded by eyewitnesses and has gone viral in recent hours, shows the desperation of those who see how the rocks begin to fall from the mountain. And while many of them shouted to try to warn those present, nothing could be done.

Stones flying and impacting whatever they find on the way, this is what can be seen in the clip circulating through the network. It was a moment of great tension and fear and luckily those watching the avalanche were able to take shelter.

Without a doubt this could have been a bigger tragedy as it is a very busy place mainly because it could have impacted more cars crossing the bridge which eventually collapsed.


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