Nine things you may not know about Good Friday and Easter


Easter Sunday and its expected chocolate eggs are coming, but what are we celebrating on these dates?

What does Easter mean?

The word comes from the Latin pascae, which comes in turn from the Greek πάσχα (pasha), an adaptation of Hebrew (pésaj), which means step by step, transit ("the pbadage of the Lord", d & # 39; after Exodus, 12, 1-11).


During the Pscua, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is celebrated, which, according to the canonical gospels, occurred on the third day after being crucified. Easter marks the end of Holy Week, which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus.

A boy holds a crucifix during a procession in Chennai, India. Photo: Reuters.
A boy holds a crucifix during a procession in Chennai, India. Photo: Reuters.

When is it celebrated?

The date of celebration of Holy Week varies each year between March 22nd and April 25th. Easter is celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon of spring in the northern hemisphere.

What is the paschal candle

It is a special candle that is blessed and lit on the vigil of Easter, on the night of Holy Saturday. Light represents the resurrection of Christ. It's a symbol of life and hope.

The way of the cross

The "Way of the Cross" consists of 14 "stations" which refer to the different moments of Jesus' life from his arrest to his crucifixion and resurrection. It is celebrated on Good Friday.

A California theater troupe (USA) recreates the pbadion of Christ in the streets of Jerusalem last year. Photo: EFE.
A California theater troupe (USA) recreates the pbadion of Christ in the streets of Jerusalem last year. Photo: EFE.

The largest Via Crucis in Latin America is taking place in Iztapalapa, Mexico, and thousands of faithful gather to attend the performance.

"The fire of Judas"

It is a tradition that originated in cities in Spain and, with the Conquest of America, was transmitted to some parts of our continent, such as Venezuela, Mexico or Uruguay. Generally, on Easter Sunday, a doll (often a devil or politician) is lynched or burned, symbolizing Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Christ and delivered him to the Romans.

A figure representing the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, is burned by a group of people who participate in the traditional
A figure representing the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, is burned by a group of people who participate in the traditional "Quema de Judas" on Sunday, March 27, 2016 in Caracas. Photo: EFE.

Where does the chocolate egg tradition come from?

Since ancient times and in civilizations such as Persians, Egyptians and Romans, Eggs symbolize birth and fertility.

As the date of Easter corresponds to the arrival of spring In the northern hemisphere, in the Middle Ages, the tradition of giving decorated eggs as a symbol of the "life" that Jesus brings to Christians with his resurrection prevailed. With the conquest of America and the introduction of cocoa in Europe, eggs became chocolate. Although in many countries the tradition of colored eggs continues.

Hand-painted eggs in the German village of Schleife. Photo: Reuters.
Hand-painted eggs in the German village of Schleife. Photo: Reuters.

And the Easter bunny?

The rabbit comes from a German legend telling the story of a strange creature, Oschter Haws or (Easter Hare), who, like Santa Claus, I wore colored eggs and sweets Children who have behaved well during the year. Because of their high reproductive capacity, rabbits are also a symbol of fertility in many ancient cultures.

A giant chocolate rabbit, in Miramar. Photo: EFE. It measured 5.2 meters and weighed 3 tons.
A giant chocolate rabbit, in Miramar. Photo: EFE. It measured 5.2 meters and weighed 3 tons.

The biggest Easter egg in the world, will it be Argentinian?

The world record indicates since 2011 the city of Cortenueva, in the region of Lombardy, with a 10.3 meter egg. However the city of Miramar will seek to break the record with a 10.5-meter egg, 6 meters in diameter and 4100 kilos of chocolate.

The event will be certified by a notary, although the municipality waived participation in the Guinness book when it learned that it was paying about $ 20,000, according to the agency. Telam.

The task of developing the chocolate giant will be entrusted to Pastry Chef Walter Aragones, who will have about 150 people. Sunday at 15 will be the break.


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