"Nobody can want a fault" | Axel Kicillof in …


In front of a crowded auditorium, Kicilloff also warned that it would be necessary to see in what situation the economy was after the management of the ruling alliance: "It is the absolute responsibility of the Government and Monetary Fund and private creditors, "said the current deputy of the Citizen Unit. . "Nobody can want a default, what happens, it's that the problem lies in the conditions of the economy and what the government will do by December", has-it- he adds.

Later, he stated that it was "very difficult" for Kirchnerism, as an opposition party, to do something about it, even if "all questions do not ask us" . He pointed out that the national government had the rudder and He behaved enormously badly. "

"The problem today is about the government and what it does," insisted Kicillof, who recalled that during the presidency of Cristina Kirchner, "we have fulfilled all our commitments, we have not never been unable to respect them ".

On the possibility of a renegotiation of the external debt, he said that it seemed "somewhat bold" that some opposition leaders spoke of negotiations: "This is bold, I do not know if it will be necessary. "

During his speech at the Wilson Center, he recalled his meeting with the IMF mission that went to Buenos Aires a few months ago and said that the money sent to Argentina by the international organization "was not a loan to a country, but a loan to a government and that does not fit". He also warned that "funds can not be drained by mbadive outflows of capital.This is the fourth arrangement that fails."

Finally, he said, facing the elections, Kirchnerism invites all opposition leaders to be part of an opposition front in which "we do not want to impose candidatures. ", in order to bring together the greatest number of forces a change in October.


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