None of these people exist: these are all computer-generated faces


All faces are created right now by the computer; they are unique and irreplaceable

Philip Wang
is an engineer Uber who decided to take
A recent development of Nvidia shows what the most advanced image badysis algorithms can do. And he created
ThisPersonDoesNotExist (this person does not exist), a site that displays each time we load it, a new face, different … and fake: it was created by a computer
badyze several real faces to "understand" what a face must have to be credible. All of StyleGAN's development is open source, so anyone can use it.

The result is shocking, beyond a few marks in the image itself (which could be hidden very simply), as this is in addition to other developments of this type. They are in video processing (
the so-called deepfakes, which allow to add a new face to a body in a video in a simple way); in creating a complete audio speech from a few recorded words (
a kind of Photoshop for the voice) or a text
read by a computer and include hesitation, coughing, scraping of the throat; by modulating the expressions of a face
a video to show something else.

Now, above, this can be done with someone who seems real … but not that it is not, which would allow such mundane things to generate faces as quickly and cheaply as possible. Credible on the podium of a FIFA 19 stadium (or extras in a movie) or use the avatars that automatically create the site to generate fake identities, videos to harbad or incriminate someone, etc. . But provided nothing is seen is real, as technology advances, it is easier to identify, and more difficult to identify when what we see at the screen is totally wrong.

Some of the faces created by the algorithm:


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