North Korea to prepare missile launch


North Korea may be preparing for a missile launch or in space, according to the US press agency NPR, based on the badysis of satellite imagery. a key facility close to Pyongyang.

According to NPR, images of Sanumdong, one of the facilities used by Pyongyang for the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles and space rockets, were taken just days before US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un , gathered in Hanoi for their high-risk summit, which ended in failure.

DigitalGlobe's signature photos show the presence of cars and trucks on the site on February 22, said NPR, which has exclusive access to the images. He added that railroad cars and cranes can also be seen in a yard.

"When you put it all in order, it's really what happens when North Koreans are building a rocket," Nrey said Friday, a researcher at the Institute International Studies from Middlebury to Monterey.

Sanumdong's badysis comes a few days after the 38 North Specialized Web Site and the Center for Strategic and International Studies said that Pyongyang could have resumed operations at its long-range rocket launch site. Sohae, based on his study of images. satellites of March 6th.

This may further aggravate Washington's frustration at the lack of progress in its attempt to relinquish its nuclear arsenal from the North, especially after the collapse of the Trump-Kim Summit on February 27 and 28, even a joint declaration. , not to mention an agreement on nuclear disarmament.

According to US officials, in the week leading up to the Hanoi summit, the North Koreans had demanded the effective lifting of all economic sanctions imposed by the UN since March 2016. In return, Pyongyang did not offer close that part of the Yongbyon complex, an expanding site that covered several facilities. The North is also thought to have other uranium enrichment plants. North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said Pyongyang had proposed dismantling all "Yongbyon area nuclear generation facilities" in return for partial relief from sanctions. Trump said Friday that his relationship with Kim "is still good," despite the setback in Hanoi. US officials believe that the "final and fully verified denuclearization" is still possible at the end of Trump's first term.


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