North Korea’s latest: why the regime rejects 3 million vaccines


Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the North Korea has not reported any cases of infection to WHO, and now it has even officially rejected nearly three million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

According to analysts, the rudeness indito is to keep the cold secret of the country, which worsened with the pandemic and included border closures and restrictions on movement.

North Korea: without a single reported case, Kim surprises with a strange message on the Covid

Displacement has been reduced to a minimum and Kim Jong Un’s regime prohibits access to humanitarian organizations They want to see what the real situation is on the ground.

One of the potential avenues of assistance revolved around the Covax mechanism, an initiative promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) bring vaccines to countries with fewer resources. Earlier this year, nearly two million doses of AstraZeneca were allocated to North Korea, which have yet to be delivered.

Over the past few weeks he has transcended a second offer, of 2.97 million doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine, which went without saying since China is one of the few countries with which the Pyongyang regime is discussing.

But now the North Korean Ministry of Health has officially announced that it does not want it.

And he even proposed that “they be redirected to countries severely affected” by the virus, According to sources from UNICEF, which also collaborates in these agreements.

The North Korean Ministry of Health has argued that the global vaccine supply is “limited” and that there has been a spike in Covid.19 cases in other countries, although undertakes to stay in contact with COVAX “to receive vaccines in the coming months“Added sources consulted by Press Europe.

Russia, bilaterally, has offered Pyongyang batches of its own vaccines on several occasions, without it being known that it had accepted them.


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