North magnetic pole moves to Russia faster than expected – 02/05/2019


The magnetic north pole of the Earth is changing as rapidly in recent decades as the old calculations they are not precise enough for navigation, according to scientists. On Monday, they published an update on where is the true northalmost a year earlier than expected.

Magnetic North travels about 55 kilometers a year. He crossed the international date change line in 2017 and leaves the Canadian Arctic in the direction of Siberia.

The constant displacement is a problem for compbades in cell phones and in some electronic products for the consumer. Aircraft and ships also use magnetic north, usually as a reserve, said geophysicist Arnaud Chulliat of the University of Colorado and lead author of the recently published global magnetic model. The global positioning system (GPS, for its acronym in English) it's not affected because it runs on satellites.

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The military uses magnetic north for navigation and parachute operations, while NASA, the US Federal Aviation Administration and the Forest Service use it as well. The names of airport landing strips are based on their direction relative to magnetic north and their names change as the pole moves. For example, the Fairbanks, Alaska, airport changed its name to become track 1L-19R in 2009. It's now called 2L-20R.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States and Great Britain tend to update the magnetic north location every five years, in December, but this update is earlier because the pole is moving faster.

Since 1831, when it was measured in the Canadian Arctic, the magnetic pole has moved about 2,300 kilometers into Siberia. Its speed has gone from 15 km / h to 55 km / h since 2000.

The reason is turbulence in the outer liquid core of the Earth. There is a hot ocean of iron and nickel at the heart of the planet where motion generates a magnetic field, explained geophysicist Daniel Lathrop of the University of Maryland, who is not part of the team. magnetic north monitoring. Magnetic South, on the other hand, moves at a much slower speed.

Scientists are working to understand why the magnetic field changes so dramatically. Geomagnetic impulses go back to "hydromagnetic" waves that come from the deepest part of the nucleus. And the rapid movement of the north magnetic pole could be linked to a high speed liquid iron jet under Canada.

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This jet seems to be color and weakening of the magnetic field below Canadasaid Phil Livermore, a geomagnetist at the University of Leeds, UK, at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in December. And that means Canada is losing a magnetic struggle with Siberia.

"The location of the north magnetic pole seems to be governed by two large-scale magnetic field patchesOne below Canada and one below Siberia, "Livermore said," The Siberian patch wins the competition. "That means the world's geomagnetists will have a lot to do to keep them busy for the foreseeable future.

Source: AP and DPA / Europa Press


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