Northern Ireland: prayers against abortion and …


One third of Members of the Norwegian Regional Parliament will come back instead this monday to try to block the rights to abortion and equal marriage which, approved this year by British legislators in London because of the paralysis of local institutions, should begin to be implemented in the province since October 21. The local parliamentarians who will resume their duties belong for the most part to Ultraconservative Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)led by former regional government chief Arlene Foster. However, as warned some opposition MPs, it will be a symbolic meeting without concrete legislative results.

Without a regional executive since January 2017 following a political-financial scandal, the province of Northern Ireland has all its autonomous institutions paralyzed and his current affairs are managed from London. In July of this yeartaking advantage of the situation of institutional blockade, the The British Westminster MPs approved the amendments to extend to the province, if the government was not formed before October 21, the right to abortion and same-sex marriage.

Amendments are needed for legality because unlike the rest of the UK, where abortion is allowed since 1967, in Northern Ireland, the practice is illegal, except for pregnancies that threaten the mother's life. The legislative situation of equal marriage has suffered the same fate: It is a prohibited practice in the province and allowed in the rest of the country.

The deadline set for October 21 by British legislators in London to extend both rights to the province was the deadline set for the formation of a local executive. If, as of today, London parliamentarians have not yet been trained, they have arranged the amendment so that the rights are not restricted in Northern Ireland. But a group of MPs supported by anti-law organizations and ecclesiastical institutions will return to Parliament, eager to form a government.

Howeveras alone 30 of the 90 legislators will resume, warned the deputies of the opposition, the parliamentary session it will not have any practical effects but it will be a symbolic gesture, since to choose a Prime Minister and a Deputy Prime Minister – and to be able to block the decision adopted by London – the support of several parties is necessary.

Republican Party leader Sinn Fein in Northern Ireland, Michelle O'Neill, whose MPs boycotted the session, called the event a "new political coup". "They will discuss issues they can not do anything about." In my opinion, it's dishonest with the people "he said.

It seems like "They are only doing it to try to deny the women and LGBT rights that are guaranteed in the rest of the UK"said Trevor Lunn, a member of the centrist party of the Alliance of Deputies, who accused legislators who appeared in parliament Monday to carry out a "joke".

Love Equality, an association for the defense of women's rights, has called a protest for Monday in Parliament, which will include "a banquet, speeches and photo shoots with a wedding cake, flowers and balloons" for the equal marriage defense. Monday evening, a concentration of homosexual couples will also be organized in Belfast, which will demonstrate to respect the law approved in London, which should now be refused by thirty local MPs.


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