Not to be believed: his cell phone fell to the sea and a beluga gave it back | Chronic


The beluga marveled at the group of young people in the harbor (video capture).

The incident occurred in the port of Hammerfest, located in Norway, where a group of strangers approached the sea to closely examine beluga whales. However, one of the participants had forgotten that his mobile phone was in the pocket of his jacket. And when he tried to approach the animal, he fell into the water.

What happened next, surprised everyone. The aquatic mammal came out of the depths with the phone in the mouth and deposited it in the hands of the unfortunate. The facts were recorded in a video that quickly became viral in social networks.

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The marine animal moved everyone present with his gesture and received caresses from the grateful young woman. After viralizing images, it has also empathized thousands of Internet users.


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