Not to mention Kirchnerism, Macri asked him about freedom of expression


To integrate

Today in Argentina, freedom is absolute. He is so tall that he became transparent. But it must be remembered that what we are experiencing is the result of having abandoned forever the secret mechanisms used by previous governments to subjugate freedom.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

"There is more and more transparency, constant appearances of officials in front of the press and the elimination of harbadment practices suffered by journalists and the media in the previous stages," he added.

To integrate

"… increased transparency, constant appearances of officials in front of the press and the elimination of harbadment practices suffered by journalists and the media in the previous stages"

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

"We said that our goal was to represent a profound change that already existed in the hearts of the people of Argentina and that manifested itself in almost every area of ​​life." Respect for freedom of expression and the press is possible. be the most important democracy, "said Macri.

To integrate

We said that our goal was to represent a profound change that already existed in the hearts of Argentines. This change is manifest in almost every sphere of life and respect for freedom of expression and the press is perhaps the most important for democracy.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

"Never before," said the president, "less money has been spent on advertising than for this government, which directly means that advertising is not used as a means of domesticating the media or to dismiss journalists as before. "

To integrate

Never before has less money been spent on advertising than in the current government. In other words, it means that official advertising is not used as a means of domesticating the media or sending journalists as was the case before.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

He also stressed: "We do not intervene and do not influence editorial decisions, we do not question the work of the media or press professionals, we do not disqualify, we do not hesitate let us not accept that journalists are "judged" in the Plaza de Mayo as they did nine years ago ".

To integrate

We do not intervene and do not influence editorial decisions, we do not support and do not question the work of the media or press professionals, we do not disqualify, we do not. We do not accept that journalists are "judged" on the Plaza de Mayo, as it happened only 9 years ago.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

"We do not accept that the image of public people is spit, we do not insult it, we do not come in like newspapers or break it, we do not destroy antennas, we do not create propaganda programs to attack those who think differently or use football to praise or pursue us. "

To integrate

We do not accept that the image of the public is spat, we do not insult, we do not enter the newspapers or we break them, we do not no antennas, we do not create propaganda programs to attack those who think differently or use football to praise or persecute us.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

"We do not change the schedules of football matches to affect the ranking of television programs, we do not buy media with intermediaries avoiding taxes, we do not block the trucks of newspapers, we do not do anything against the freedom of expression, "concluded Macri. .

To integrate

We do not change the schedules of football matches to affect the clbadification of television programs, we do not buy media with intermediaries avoiding taxes, we do not block newspaper trucks. We are not doing anything against freedom of expression.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019

To integrate

We are not afraid of freedom. We know that the Argentines want to be free forever. We change

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) March 31, 2019


The controversial campaign spots that Cambiemos neither denies nor recognizes

Macri visited Vidal and his cabinet with surprise


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