Notebooks: at one year, the cause has already treated 174


August 1st of last yearArgentina woke up with a battery of 15 arrests and 35 raids. This was the public start of the subsequent call "
cause of notebooks"nail
investigation opened by LA NACION in January 2018 and that four months later he was prosecuted. A few days before reaching one year,
the trial already accumulates 174 prosecuted, of whom 71 expect the imminent increase to an oral trial. The other 103 are awaiting confirmation of their prosecution in the Federal Chamber.

The case was full of challenges, complaints, appeals and dozens of resolutions that led to
137 businessmen transformed, to those who join
23 former officials and
14 frontmen which were part of
the network of real estate purchases and companies with money whose origin would be bribery.

This was also the test laboratory of the
law of the repentantwhich, although it was in force and had already been used in other cases, it is in this file that dozens of businessmen and former civil servants have used it to improve their procedural situation.

The judge
Claudio Bonadio Prepares the resolution to end the investigation and send him to a trial, while prosecutors
Carlos Stornelli and
Carlos Rívolo wait for the resolution of the House to demand elevation. The defenses make their calculations: it depends on who is the president on December 11th. They will use this or that strategy.

Several resolutions, at first instance and in the House, have already proven hundreds of facts. According to Judge Bonadio, at least 100 million dollars were illegally collected during these clandestine rounds by the powerful Argentine companies. "This was not a mere criminal organization located in the middle layers of the administrative ladder.Its pyramidal structure with an axis in the highest representatives of the executive power conferred on it extraordinary characteristics: Unusual and powerful action, big media based on the hierarchical structure A corruption with definitive characteristics of gravity and institutional decomposition, incredibly prolonged in time, "said Chamber I of the Federal Chamber in December 2018, which confirmed the prosecution committed against the first 47 involved. The notebooks 1, as this part of the case is called in Comodoro Py, are about to be sent to oral proceedings.

Among these sentences, several points have marked the rest. In principle, there was no controversy in the facts. Prosecutors, the judge and their chamber colleagues felt that the existence of an illicit collection system was proven. "The
eight notebooks written by
Oscar Rye between 2005 and 2010, and again from 2013 to 2015, these are testimonies of reality; The most detailed that we can have about a practice of corruption embedded in the heart of the government of the last decade. There are innumerable journeys in the streets of this city and its suburbs, hundreds of names and places, multiple scenes crossed by the same common denominator: money, "said the House. l & # 39; era.

Divergent views were within the legal framework of the facts. Prosecutors and the judge found that officials and businessmen formed an unlawful badociation, but the judges mentioned them. On the one hand, officials who, to varying degrees, are
Cristina Kirchner and Julio De Vido led this criminal organization. On the other, entrepreneurs. According to his vision, beyond the fact that everyone was looking for money and enrichment, they did not form an unlawful badociation. They only had the crime of bribery or payment of bribes.

In the middle, a handful of organizers having had responsibilities in the design of the system. Carlos Wagner, former president of the Construction Chamber and owner of the construction company Esuco, and Gerardo Ferreyra, of the Electroengineering company, were two of the businessmen who were also incorporated into the figure of the illicit badociation.

Oscar Centeno, a key figure in this process, was the first inmate. "Over the years, he has been a driver for Roberto Baratta, having seen parades of bags, backpacks and bags, both in residences and in vehicles, in hotels or on public roads. the most diverse, but with few destinations.It focuses on the presidential wedding residences, those of Uruguay and Juncal streets, of this city, as that of the fifth presidential of Olivos. other surrounds both this last place and the house Baratta, "said Justice.

Today, Centeno is one of two defendants who remain in the protection program set up by the Department of Justice. The other is José López, found guilty of carrying bags in a convent.

They say that the sender's secret location is in Buenos Aires and that many of his relatives are visiting him constantly. He does not move alone and is brought several times to meet his relatives. The few people who know his time say that he keeps his habit: write down his daily routine in notebooks.

The notebooks and copies that were given to Justice were grounds for requesting cancellation in the case.
Carlos Beraldi, the lawyer of
Cristina Kirchner, was one of those who raised the inadmissibility of this criterion. "Many advocates have questioned the value of these notebooks as evidence in the process, mainly because they could not be kidnapped, so they are invoked as" photocopies "or" pictures ", in a curious attempt to discredit the name does not fail to recognize the correspondence with an original from which it originated, "said the Chamber.

According to justice, the annotations revealed 205 transactions. Businessmen in construction, metallurgy, transportation, and so on, found themselves in these registers when they delivered money. "The measurements made by Bonadio were used to […] prove the veracity of the addresses indicated, the filmed and the holders one of the other; the accuracy was also obtained on the established dates or events cited, "argued the court.

After this resolution, the cause was taken out of the hands of the witnesses. On June 6, Bonadio sued another 103 people: 100 businessmen and three former national highways managers. The so-called Cuadernos 2 resolution advanced on the cartel scheme used to distribute works and bribes on road works. The House has not yet been published on this hundred lawsuits.

According to the testimonies and testimonies, 14 testaferros or informal officials, all close to Daniel Muñoz, this particular secretary of Néstor Kirchner who was the penultimate link in the collection, are also waiting for the oral trial. They bought $ 70 million worth of luxury properties in the United States.

The accused consult the calendar and observe the candidates. On the one hand, there is the silence of the government; on the other hand, the blame for the cause coming from the leaders of the opposition. Accustomed to double standard, asking for legal security in the morning and going down with bags filled with money until the basement in the afternoon, it is possible that many have two prepared tusks. A centered right; the other, the benefits of the policy. In November, they will decide which one to use.



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