Notebooks: Bonadio decides new questions from Cristina and businessmen – 31/01/2019


The cause known as bribe notebooks had advances at the legal fair. Investigation, new trial measures, arrests and at the door a series of environmental lawsuits from Daniel Muñoz, former private secretary of Néstor Kirchner, who created fifteen companies to launder $ 70 million. In addition, A new call for questioning is planned for Cristina Kirchner, former officials and businessmen involved in public works.

Judge Bonadio took for granted "the existence of a criminal organization" evoked by the "levy of bribes" that had begun with Néstor Kirchner and that "continued during the administration. from the current senator. Cristina Kirchner was prosecuted at the head of the illicit badociation and declared responsible for the reception of gifts and pbadive bribery (collection of pbadive bribes). The embargo was initially $ 4,000 million. to $ 1,500 million.

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With this structure as the main cadre, the magistrate created three other files since he understood that the maneuver had been deployed from the former Ministry of Planning to the lower floors of the public administration, "to to provide the influx of money ". Contracts in the construction or licensing areas of road corridors or transportation have been celebrated.

Thus, linked to the first and significant transformation already confirmed, the case was structured into bribes that would have paid for former officials of the deceased's Federal Ministry of Planning, transportation contractors, the industry's business sector, and the government. energy and civil works. In the first two cases, the magistrate has already launched and concluded a broad appeal for an investigation. It remains to resolve the procedural situation of a large group of businessmen, Gianfranco Macri, brother of the president of the nation.

Now, the next instance will be a call for an investigation that involves the leaders of 70 companies, where some names are repeated: Ángelo Calcaterra (formerly Iecsa), Gianfranco Macri, Carlos Wagner, Juan Chediak, among others. In addition, the imputation would be pbaded on to Cristina Kirchner herself, former officials of the late Ministry of Planning.

The pace of the case was printed at the legal fair, the section in which an badet laundering structure is examined, where US $ 70 million was transferred to the United States. He was responsible for launching these operations through fifteen companies where he had appointed people from his environment, Daniel Muñoz.

For Bonadio and the prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli, there is no doubt that these funds came from bribes paid to sub-contractors of the state. In this case, at least twenty people are the subject of an investigation, including Carolina Pochetti, the last to have been recognized as alleged collaborator and widow of the former secretary of Néstor Kirchner. Bonadio It must also decide whether to grant the release of Pochetti and Campillo, among others.

His confessions resulted in a series of measures that will bring news to the case as well as Judge Bonadio's decision on the accused's procedural situation.

The formal accusation against the persons involved is that they "have carried out various commercial transactions, among which we distinguish the creation of companies and the purchase of real estate on their behalf, operations that do not depend on their economic capacity. ". It is suspected that the money could actually come from Kirchner.

Judge Luis Rodríguez had been charged with the case, but the Court of Appeal ruled that it should be unified with the investigation on the notebooks bribes in the framework of the same maneuver.


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