Notebooks: in order to free the former head Kirchner | Cuadernos, Claudio Bonadio, Coimas, Judiciales, Kirchnerismo, Obra Pública – OnlyTutorials.Net


  1. Notebooks: in order to free the former head Kirchner | Cuadernos, Claudio Bonadio, Coimas, Judiciales, Kirchnerismo, Obra Pública
  2. Notebooks of corruption: sentenced to the release of the repentant Juan Manuel Campillo
  3. Cuadernos de las coimas: published Juan Manuel Campillo Clarí
  4. The cahiers du coimas co Judge Bonadio ordered the release of Juan Manuel Campillo – Todo Noticias
  5. Cause of notebooks: Bonadio granted the release of Juan Manuel Campillo Popular
  6. See full coverage in Google News


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