Notebooks: Paolo Rocca has been dismissed


The Buenos Aires Federal Chamber on Monday overturned the prosecution and embargo against Techint Group CEO Paolo Rocca in the case of bribe books and imposed his "lack of merit" ".

According to judges Leopoldo Bruglia and Pablo Bertuzzi of Chamber I of the Federal Court of Appeal, the elements are insufficient to determine that it is Rocca who ordered the payment of bribes by Techint.

"Rocca's responsibility, based fundamentally on its hierarchical position within the operation, lacks the necessary and sufficient support to link it to this process," the press reported.

His trial without pretrial detention and $ 4 billion embargo was organized on November 27 by federal judge Claudio Bonadio. In the resolution, the magistrate ordered that Rocca be prosecuted for the crimes of "unlawful badociation" and "active bribery" with an embargo of 4,000 million pesos.

"He is accredited with the degree of certainty required at this stage of the proceedings that Paolo Rocca would have been one of the persons who ordered the remittance of the money paid by Héctor Zabaletta to the officials of the court. former Federal Ministry of Planning, which then performed the acts they were characteristic of the function that they filled, being intended to benefit the cohechts, "argued Bonadio.

Earlier, in December, the Federal District Attorney of Buenos Aires, Germán Moldes, had waived the request for the preventive detention of Rocca, a measure claimed by the prosecutors Carlos Rívolo and Carlos Stornelli.

In the same opinion, the prosecutor also waived the resources with which his superiors requested the preventive detention of former Kirchner cabinet chief Juan Manuel Abal Medina and his secretary Martin Larraburu, arrested at the beginning of the investigation. and businessmen Alberto Padoan and Rubén Aranda.

"In this particular situation, I think nothing forces the five men to go through the private process of freedom and that does not mean losing sight of the procedural object to which they are bound," M said. Moldes.


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