Notes to end the dictatorship of organized crime in Venezuela


Juan Guaidó (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives)
Juan Guaidó (EFE / Miguel Gutiérrez / Archives)

On January 23, 2019, he swore Juan Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela to carry out the “democratic transition”, stop usurpations and organize free elections. Recognized by nearly 60 States and international organizations, but in 27 months, there is no transition, the situation of the Venezuelan people worsens, international support weakens and negotiations emerge to recognize crime as a policy that is the opposite of restoring democracy. The responsibility to break this impasse and end the usurpation lies with the Venezuelan leaders who must rally to the unity of objectives, the identification of the adversary and the effective initiatives to end the dictatorship of crime. organized in Venezuela.

The recent history of the Americas provides us with the frame of reference to activate the transition end the dictatorship whose main image is Nicolás Maduro. Two cases:

A.- The failure of the transition to democracy in Bolivia with Jeanine Añez, who led a government of “continuity and appeasement with organized crime”, which ended up strengthening the dictatorship of Castro-Chavista with fraud colossal election of October 2020, with total impunity and absolute power for Evo Morales and his accomplices, with simulation of democracy and with the former president and dozens of civilians, military prisoners and police officers and political exiles. This is the bad example whose data should be used to avoid repeating mistakes.

B.- The successful and unexpected transition to democracy in Ecuador led by Lenin Moreno, who has just held free elections with the consent of all the essential elements of democracy, the operators of Castrochavism defeated, the former dictator Correa condemned to 8 years in prison with an enforceable sentence for corruption, his party banned, the liquidated narco-state and organized crime identified and even successful negotiation of the dictatorship’s external debt. This is the good example which shows that it is possible to emerge from a dictatorship of twenty-first century socialism by restoring the Republic and without impunity.

In the case of Venezuela, there are countless very valuable situation analyzes which, instead of helping to find the right path for the transition and end the usurpation, appear to be used as fuel for an internal confrontation that increases division and weakens the restoration of democracy. A few notes should be taken to help the Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Bolivian leaders … to put an end to the dictatorships of organized crime:

1.- OBJECTIVE UNIT.- (Divide the Empire) The success of the Castro-Chavist dictatorships in each of the countries they submit is to divide and maintain the opponents in internal conflict with the mechanisms of coercion, fear, recruitment and infiltration. This is why we need unity against the regime, unity only to regain democracy, it is not unity to seize power or to distribute it or stay there. Temporary and brief unit to eliminate the usurper and restore democracy. It is neither ideological nor programmatic.

Venezuela has the advantage of an internationally recognized leadership with the rank of head of state and legitimate president, so in this case, unity must be urgently promoted, sought, negotiated and achieved by Juan Guaidó, in the – beyond his party, his bosses. G-4. It must encompass all Venezuelan political, civic and military leaders, in Venezuela and in exile, and it must be well and quickly accomplished. Form a “national liberation government” whose members do not participate in the power struggle once democracy is restored. Essential starting point.

2.- OPPONENT IDENTIFICATION.- (The only mistake that the strategy does not forgive is not to identify the enemy) In the Americas, the one who installed, organized and supported the dictatorships of organized crime is the Cuban regime. The one who created and manipulated the Sao Paolo Forum, the Puebla Group, supports the FARC and the ELN, uses slave doctors and internationalists to undermine democratic societies and conspire, is Cuba.

In order to dismiss Maduro, it is necessary to identify and denounce the Cuban dictatorship which – high treason of Chávez and his accomplices between the two – made Venezuela his colony and his platform for conspiracy, terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime. The enemy is the Cuban dictatorship, Maduro is its puppet.

3.- EFFECTIVE INTIATIVES.- (If politics is the art of the possible, survival is the art of the necessary) The survival of the peoples, nations and republics of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia is at stake. The leaders at this time of history are those who find the necessary means to end the dictatorships of organized crime.

In the Venezuelan case, a leadership supported by a unity of purpose and without error in the identification of the adversary has legitimacy as president in charge, in addition to international support to apply, for example, the Palermo Convention. against transnational organized crime which in the courts of New York and Florida They have Nicolás Maduro and his accomplices in capture with rewards of 15 and 10 million dollars for each. What is missing?

Why the President of Venezuela does not demand similar measures from the democratic governments of the region so that, within the framework of the law, proceedings are opened in the courts of Colombia, Brazil, Canada, the European Union and more still against Maduro and the members of his criminal group which holds power in Cuba? And further…..

* Lawyer and political scientist. Director of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy

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