Noticias postulated Patricia Bullrich as Macri's companion


The publication of the Perfil group has positioned one of the most controversial government officials as a possible member of the presidential formula.

February 11, 2019

Noticias magazine, Perfil editorial, has published a cover note highlighting the figure of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, and put her as one of the strongest personalities to accompany Mauricio Macri in the presidential formula at the next elections.

The head of Cambiemos badured, with regard to his candidacy for the vice-presidency of the Nation, that "there is nothing precise" and added: "I am available to the president and I can not say" no "to what he decides. I will be where they need me. "In this way, he did not exclude being part of the formula.

According to the guru of Cambiemos, Jaime Durán Barba, the election to the vice presidency will only be resolved in March and that Bullrich and Carolina Stanley, the current Minister of Health and Social Development, are in the running.

In the note, news was responsible for highlighting the figure of the minister who, according to the University of San Andrés, has a positive image of 30% and negative 54%, followed by Rogelio Frigerio, with 29% and 10% and, third, Guillermo Dietrich with 13% and 18% respectively.

According to the profile group publication, "Less than a year ago, he began to feel that the campaign was going to revolve around him," that is, security. "We started to share a lot more acts, more presences, there was also a shift from a lighter policy, from the stamp or PRO, to a firmer policy, one that now focuses on security, "they said. Minister for News.

They even claimed that "the rise of Bullrich, which led him to the brink of a candidacy, surprises and irritates several members of the government", while "He carries in his blood the Peronist idiosyncrasy of the cult of the chief: he reads, interprets and acts from Macri".

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