Notre Dame: a French magnate will donate 100 million …


The tycoon Francois-Henri Pinault, owner of a luxurious fashion empire with brands such as Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, announced that he would give 100 million euros to rebuild the company. emblematic cathedral Notre-Dame de Paris, affected by a fire.

President Emmanuel Macron affirmed in front of the facade of Notre-Dame, still in flames, that France would "rebuild" the cathedral, pride of the nation for 850 years, and called for a national and international collection. An hour later, Pinault, owner of the luxury Kering empire announced in a statement that he would donate 100 million euros to help rebuild the monument, reported the European media.

Pinault, CEO of Kering, parent company of brands such as Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, Puma and Fnac, made his decision public by a statement in which he pledged to allocate this sum to the reconstruction.
The structural damage of the Gothic building is enormous after the fire. Firefighters will work all night. They managed to stop the fire before it reached the north facade.

Of the other damage caused by the disaster, the central needle of the cathedral, the rosettes exploded and the vaults gave way, leaving the inside of the ships, and the damage is still incalculable .

Despite the ferocity of the flames, they managed in the early hours of fire to save important works of art and relics such as the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ or the nails of his crucifixion.


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