Notre Dame: reveals that the authorities "have hidden lead contamination" after the fire


"A month after the cathedral fire, May 15, the lead concentration rate, sometimes ten times higher than the warning threshold, have been detected in schools near buildings, "announced Thursday the search portal Mediapart.

According to this support, which is based on documents obtained in the lead recordings found, "the mayor of Paris has not carried out any cleaning in-depth sites, claiming that lead does not exceed regulatory limits. "

Beginning of July, Médiapart In an article he claimed that lead levels were 400 to 700 times higher than those allowed in and around the cathedral, which is potentially dangerous for residents, tourists and workers.

The Regional Health Agency (ARS) in charge of the Paris region has neither confirmed nor denied these figures and has recognized "punctually high values" of drive

However, Médiapart he badures today that the authorities have preferred not to communicate these figures "endangering the neighbors and the workers" working in the cathedral.

"The mayor of Paris has deliberately lied about the concentration rates of run daycares, kindergartens and schools, exposing children and staff to the risk of lead poisoning"he adds.

This publication can lead to irreversible neurological damage and other health problems, the publication recalls.

Out of 10 schools tested, nine showed excessive concentration "This requires a quick decontamination intervention".

The principals of these schools are alarmed and outraged by the contents of these documents.

"The mayor told us that the tests carried out had not shown any abnormal concentration of lead," said an education official who asks for anonymity. "Today, I discover that the mayor has left children, teachers and other employees exposed to lead", protest.

Consulted by Médiapart, the mayor acknowledges that "yes, there may be rates higher than the allowed limits, but do not go on to say that these rates can lead to cases of lead poisoning".

This is not the opinion of the president of the badociation Henri-Pézerat, which fights against toxic risks in the workplace. "There is no limit under which lead would be harmless. Any pollution is dangerous, especially for children, but also for adults, "says scientist Annie Thébaud-Mony.

"Imagine children from 3 to 6 years old in a clbadroom or in the school yard, when they move, they push, they breathe, not to mention the times when they touch the ground and where they can go hands in the face, mouth, alert.

Update of the newsAfter having known the research publication, The mayor of Paris ordered Thursday to clean schools near Notre-Dame for fear of contamination by lead.


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