Notre Dame The message of Anonymus against the pope and the millionaires who gave money for the reconstruction


The organization of activists blames the tycoons for having put money for Notre Dame and not for other critical situations of humanity and has been also addressed to the pope. Source: archive

The group of activists and hackers who calls himself
Anonymus launched a hard message in which he drew attention to the companies and millionaires who had donated for the reconstruction of Paris' cathedral.

Our Lady

, destroyed by a violent fire on April 15th. The criticism is that these donors have money to rebuild a building but not to solve other pressing problems of humanity.

In turn, the organization addressed the

dad Francisco

who was treated "like a billionaire more" and questioned that the Vatican did not take care of the damage caused by the famous temple of the French capital.

"This is a message to the billionaires who have donated large sums of money for the restoration of Notre Dame – the press release that can be read in
the site of the organization. They are committed to contributing to this cause, but these same interests are silent with respect to poverty, homelessness or environmental degradation, issues that really matter to the world's population. "

The message goes out to Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Apple and other "industry titans" who, along with other donors, have already raised nearly 400 million euros. to rebuild the part of the cathedral damaged by the flames.

Anonymus believes that the reconstruction money should come from the
Anonymus believes that the money from the reconstruction should come out of the "Vatican coffers" Source: AFP

"This week, (millionaires and businesses) showed how big your heart can be and the depth of your pockets, but people around the world are wondering why they do not show that kind of compbadion when people's lives is really at stake, "continues the message.

In one of the most raw sections, Anonymus's statement points out: "The partial loss of a historic building has garnered more donations than any natural disaster or poverty crisis of recent years. " This selective charity has opened the eyes of the world to the wrong priorities of the ruling clbad. "

The text states that the group of activists does not intend to threaten, but to raise public awareness. "Take a moment to re-examine your priorities and examine the serious injustices that are happening in the world and see how the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral is derisory in relation to these tragedies," says the text.

Message to the pope

In the last part of the Anonymus text, there is an appeal to Pope Francis. "There is another billionaire that we would like to specifically address, namely the head of the Roman Catholic Church: the Pope, nobody knows how much money the Vatican has, but estimates place the net worth of the organization in hundreds of billions, "says the statement.

Anonymus believes that the reconstruction money should come from the
Anonymus believes that the money from the reconstruction should come out of the "Vatican coffers" Source: AFP

Then, the message questions the pope and the religious entity he runs: "Notre-Dame Cathedral was one of the most important historical and cultural buildings of one of the richest organizations in the world. Why does not the money from the reconstruction come directly from the Vatican? Why did the pope not reject the mbadive influx of funds and did he propose to to pay for the reconstruction of the Vatican treasury?

Finally, the release highlights the example of the family of the recently deceased rapper Nipsey Hussle, whose family rejected the donations that people had made to the children of the artist, considering that Hussle was "a rich man and had left a lot of money ". your children "These are the actions of people who take a spiritual path, while organizations that claim to speak for God show that they are full of greed and vanity," he concludes, lapidary, the message d & # 39; Anonymus.


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