now online shopping can also be removed in newsstands


Sector entrepreneurs and Ministry of Labor officials have signed an agreement to mitigate the impact of technology in this section and for which the Canillitas will also be able to deliver correspondence and parcels as well as identity documents. and pbadports.

The first time that Argentina was heard screaming at a "canillita" was on January 1, 1898. In the streets of Rosario that day was felt " buy La República ] "," The República, a medio peso "

This is the way advertisement was given to the newspaper that had appeared that day in Rosario and which was founded by Lisandro De la Torre who had just distanced himself from the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR).

It was also the coup de sending of the growth of what later became an excellent bargain to the point that they began to set up all over the country fixed street stalls whose property was settled by beating or paying a police "favor", until Colonel Juan Domingo Peró ] n, from his post as secretary of work, he advised his newspaper supplier to organize

In this way, it was developed in the country at the rate of the success of the newspaper and cultural printed to the point that There were positions which were listed on million dollars and whose advertising channel was the historical "canillitas", a name chosen by the same vendors in 1947, in the honor of Florencio Sánchez who baptized them with this nickname.

According to some surveys, up to 5000 posts were counted in the country, although the advancement of technology development of applications for online reading, and changes in customs and customs, particularly younger sectors that no longer purchase printed media, put control on this sector, with the closure of At least 25% of these premises in recent years.

Thus, the loss of readers of the traditional newspapers reduced the box of newspaper stalls which had to add other articles in order to survive, as part of of a crisis that highlights the decadence of

In this context, and as a means of finding a "lifeguard" to the activity, the government issued a new regulation allow newsstands and magazines kiosks to add new articles.

In particular, a resolution supplementing the scheme of sale and the distribution of newspapers and magazines in force at the initiative of the House Ministry of Labor or

From now on, posts will be able to deliver correspondence in the style of traditional mail agencies. You can also get in these posts stationery, parcel service, custody, deposit and receipt of products purchased by third parties through electronic commerce.

The new regulatory framework adds the possibility that in these positions issue credit and debit cards, identity papers and even pbadports .

According to the standard, the owners of such premises must apply for additional accreditation for permission to provide these services.

"This extension of the benefits that the workers of the sector offer to the community is part of the joint work done by the Government with the representatives of each of the economic and productive sectors, with the aim of providing a dynamism to activities and to adapt them to the technological changes that are are generated worldwide, "says in a document drafted by the Department of Labor

The report summarizes what was discussed at a meeting held today to sign the new agreement extended between the Minister of Trabajo, Jorge Triaca the Secretary of Labor, Horacio Pitrau, Secretary General of the Union of Newspapers and Magazines of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires (SIVENDIA), Aldo Lo Castro ] and representatives of the Society of Newspaper and Magazine Distributors (SDDRA ), Carlos Taboada, Martín Codo and Héctor Emenguiya

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