now Pichetto says that there would be "Cuban operators" in the Frente de Todos


The vice-president of Together for Change, Michelangelo Pichetto, had again controversial statements on the main front of the opposition and nowHe pointed out that there could be "Cuban operators" inside what he calls "hard kirchnerismo", which he accused of "delaying 50 years".

In statements to CNN Radio, the owner of the monoblock "Republican Peronism" in the Senate asked to be "cautious to become again the engine of Venezuela and Cuba". "I do not have any specific elements, because that would be another element of state intelligenceBut I would not exclude that there already exist in Argentina Cuban operators already operating, within the structure of the hardest kirchnerism, "he fired.

For that, he asked people to "rethink the vote" dand face the elections in October, and said that in Together for Change, "they are working to win" that day.

After a failed act, the former Peronist declared that Macri "ruled for the poor" and described the leader of the CTEP, Juan Grabois, as "manager of poverty". "You have to get out of the history of poverty where they invented the starving famine of an African country," he said.

As if that were not enough, he spoke to the "priests priests" after what one of them told the governor of the province candidate, Axel Kicillof, about people who became unemployed and started to engage in drug trafficking and asked to pay attention to the "pastoral task" that they perform.


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