Now they will charge tolls on a street, the most winding in the world


The eight curves located in a 125-meter section of Lombard Street in the American city of San Francisco, which define it as the most winding in the world, will no longer be free for visitors after 2020, when they will have to pay 10 toll dollars to cover it.

This was decided by the city council of this Californian city, because of repeated complaints from local residents due to traffic jams, noise and bad behavior of some of the 17,000 tourists who visit this traditional artery every day at the end of the year. # 39; summer. the agency Efe.

San Francisco Democratic Congressman Phil Ting, who drafted the law, said the system was designed to provide peace of mind for both residents and tourists alike, some climbing the roofs of residences on both sides of the building. the street. the street and urinate in the portals, according to residents' complaints.

From 2020, tourists wishing to visit the famous Lombard Street must make a reservation in advance and pay a toll of 10 USD, a measure similar to that offered by the famous Golden Gate, the red bridge in which every vehicle must pay. 8 dollars to cross from one side to the other of the bay.

The 125-meter section where the curves are located can only be traveled downhill and in a continuous curve, because of the steep slope, so that its use is limited to tourists and the neighbors of the city opt for alternative routes.


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