Numerical Analysis


02/07/2018 –  weather
2 – 403 – 603 Visits
An employee from Unit 2 compiled the official Bordeira: she said that at one point you confessed that she was working for the traffic of drugs

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Bordeira is considered an extreme person The confidence of Mayor Varisco

A current employee of Unit 2 of the Municipality of Paran declares in federal court that the current detainee Former Deputy Secretary of Urban Security, Griselda Bordeira, admits at the time that "selling drugs;" Cocaine and sometimes marijuana ", Acot The woman, Nilda Raquel Luna, who appears in several wiretaps organized by the courts, close to the official who is part of the criminal unit 6- and who has been working since 1998, has been recognized as an activist of the UCR and the Third Branch of Paran, as you can know DIGITAL ANALYSIS Revel that Sergeant Bordeira gave protection to two well – known men of capital drug trafficking "in exchange for the money received from them, so that they could sell quiet drugs. "

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The objective is that the dollar does not exceed 30 pesos in the short term.

02/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 56 "- 27 Visitas
Climbing the currency The government announces measures to try to stop the dollar
The government is trying to give this week a sample to the market on the policy decision to reduce the "current" Lebac, unpack the demand for dollars and give new options to non-residents to keep their portfolios dollarized with new letters.After this announcement will be held on Monday to present the new dollar letters, which will be able to subscribe in pesos In dollars or with Lebac, it is estimated that the offer will attract an amount between 2 000 and 2 500 million dollars and will be effective from tomorrow, when the Treasury will have completed all procedures The goal, although they do not say it publicly, is that the currency does not exceed 30 pesos in the short term.

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Mists and humidity follow, but the cold comes back too.

02/07/2018 –  weather
0 – 51 "- 48 Visits
Instability will return Thursday Fog and moisture continue, but also cold returns
According to the forecasts of the National Meteorological Service (NMS) ) the mini summer with a lot of humidity C is the end of Monday, the weather will start to improve this afternoon and from morning, the minimum temperatures of four degrees and maximums will be estimated between 12 and 14. However, it is not a very sunny week with a variable cloudiness, reinstall from next Thursday.

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Jos Lpez and Adrin Fuertes, among those who have been denounced.

01/07/2018 –  time
3 – 13 "- 3786 Visits
In Villaguay Former officials and a former mayor were denounced by the 25 million plan of a housing plan
Official Luis Uriona, delegate in Entre Ros de la Secretara of Housing Nation, filed a criminal complaint with the sponsorship of the lawyer Rubn Pagliotto before a series of irregularities detected in the execution of a plan of housing in the city of Villaguay, with funds from the National State. ANLISIS is related to the Federal Program for Housing and Housing Improvement of Indigenous and Rural Peoples and includes the former Federal Minister of Planning Julio De Vido, former Secretary of Public Works of the Jos Lpez Nation, former Deputy Secretary of Urban Development and Housing of the Nation Germn Nivello, former coordinator of the Unit of Execution of the Special Programs of the province Daniel Irigo yen, the former mayor of Villaguay, Adrin Fuertes and architect Mario Lemes, inspector and certifier of the works. They are accused of having built less square meters than those financed by the Nation and more than 25 million pesos. In April of last year a report was published in the magazine ANLISIS with the first results of ongoing investigations concerning the construction of houses with national funds in different localities of the province and it was expected that they would appear criminal complaints.

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An alert is issued in case of strong storms for Entre Ros and Santa Fe.

07/01/2018 –  weather
0 – 48 "- 162 Visits
Rainy and Occasional Hail Storm Alert for Entre Ros and Santa Fe
The National Weather Service (SMN) issued a short-term warning, severe storms with gusts and occasional hail, affecting an important area of ​​the Entre Ros and Santa Fe provinces. The report was released at 9:25 pm and with a validity of three hours after the broadcast, announcing storms and precipitation for the night of this Sunday and the first hours of Monday, at Entre Ros, to affect with strong storms with gusts and occasional hail in Concepción de Uruguay, Diamante, Gualeguay, Gualeguaych , Ibicuy, La Paz, Nogoy, Paran, Tala, Victoria and Villaguay.

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The investigation is postponed to the Etchevehere after the legal fair.

01/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 55 "- 199 Visits
In the case of the alleged draining of El Diario The investigation is reported to the Etchevehere family for after the legal fair
Delays in the treatment of the cause and the absence circumstance of the judge Paola Firpo, substitute of the Transitional Court, which pursues the case against the Minister of agribusiness of the nation, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, his brother and president of Entre Entre Entre Entre Entrepres Entrees (CEER) Juan Diego Etchevehere and The Mother of the Two, Leonor Barbero Marcial, postponed the investigations at least until the end of the Legal fair.This is an investigation into the complaint filed by the sister and daughter of the accused, Dolores Etchevehere, for the alleged draining of the company SAER, owner of El Diario de Paran

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Pablo Hernndez is incarcerated in a case of drug trafficking [19659008] 01/07/2018 –  time ] 1 & # 39; 22 "- 206 Visits Councilors must decide The Municipal Electoral Council has decided that the vacant post does not correspond to Prisin for Councilor Hernndez
The Deputy Mayor of Paran, Josefina Etienot, made a presentation to the Municipal Electoral Council that it be published on the situation of the counselor of Cambiemos, Pablo Hernndez, who remains in preventive prison for a drug trafficking case and is absent from the meetings of the Deliberative Council The Secretary of the Council, Rodrigo Devinar, explained that this situation is not covered by the regulations, and no legislator has imagined that a case could arise in which a mayor has been imprisoned, he said and badured that it is the body of councilors who must resolve the situation
<img src = "" width = "150" height = "187.5" border = "0" alt = "Click para Amp liar [19659007] They claim that the electronic ankle splint is a palliative solution to prison overcrowding.

01/07/2018 –  time
4 – 52 – 125 Visits
They provided details on the application of the system They ensure that the electronic ankle is a palliative solution to prison overpopulation
The official presentation of the In this framework, the Minister of Government, Rosario Romero, explained that there is a monitoring system for people who are going to a system of On the other hand, the province's Advocate General, Maximiliano Bentez, argued that, from the Department of Public Defense, the use of anklets is considered a "palliative solution" to the problem. overcrowding.

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"You can give adoption to the baby and nothing happens to you," Michetti said, dismissing abortion even in cases of rape.

01/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 32 "- 149 Visits
Politics for the Vice President's Statement Michetti spoke against abortion for rape and there was agitation on social networks
Ne does not allow abortion or in case of rape? "asked the journalist of La Nacin Gabriel Sued to Vice President Gabriela Michetti. "No, I've always said clearly, you can give it for adoption, see what happens to you during pregnancy, work with a psychologist, I do not know". This response in an interview published this Sunday was one of the most critical at the head of the Cmara Alta, who argued against non-punishability in these cases, established by the Penal Code in 1921. There were answers. actresses and also the Deputy of Change Daniel Lipovetzky, who questioned both the position and the phrases that marked ignorance and indecision, for their not repeated and that I am. In Minora, some tweeters also supported the head of the Senate

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Shock and reversal of three cars in the northern port of Paran

01/07/2018 –  time
0 & # 39; 53 "- 252 Visits
A young man was injured Stop: accident and rollover involving three cars in the North Access
A violent accident was recorded this Sunday afternoon in the North Access from Paran, in front of the place where the costume party usually takes place, a Chevrolet Clbadic taxi collided with the driver from San Benito, a Gol Trend in which a man from that city and a Fiat 147 traveled. of Santa Fe. The clash occurred when one of the cars made a risky maneuver to become a U. A young man must be transferred to San Martn Hospital.

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Four people were injured when the wall of a chapel under construction collapsed.

01/07/2018 –  weather
0 "52" – 148 Visits
Were held in the city of Victoria Four people were injured when the wall of a chapel collapsed
A Serious Event , which ended with four people injured, occurred in the afternoon In the city of Victoria, when the wall of a building collapsed wounding four Of those transferred to the Victoria Hospital, there is a 7-year-old girl, and about 30 people were gathered inside for a religious celebration, according to police sources. the accident occurred in the church "Cielo Abierto", located on Berutti Street, between Constitucin and Sargento Cabral, property of Pastor Guillermo, 47 years old.

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They will look for the Deputies to approve the "Justina Law" next Wednesday.

01/07/2018 –  time
0 – 34 "- 134 Visitas
Senate approval unanimously They will seek the Deputies approve the" Justina law "Wednesday
On July 4 we will try that the "Justina Law" be treated and approved by the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation to become a definitive law, as claimed by the organizations, families and foundations that run the initiative, which provides that all people become Donors unless they say otherwise To be held at the beginning of the week, chairpersons of committees must give a favorable opinion to the project and in this way it can be dealt with on Wednesday 4.

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The Rigel fishing boat was found this Sunday 93 kilometers from the coast of Rawson.

01/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 6 "- 157 Visits
They were looking for him since June 8 They found the fishing boat" Rigel "sunk
The Naval Prefecture found Rigel, the fishing boat that had disappeared on June 8 in the South Atlantic, off the town of Rawson Chubut, from the force reported that the ship was found 93 meters deep by SB-15 staff Tango Coastguard service This discovery occurred near the place where the last communication with the ship had taken place.

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The headquarters of Mossack Fonseca in Panama. (Photo: The Nacin)

07/01/2018 –  Time
4 & # 39; 30 "- 816 Visitas
They are entrepreneurs of different sectors The Argentinian clients have laundered 3.1 billion pesos for the Panama Papers
After the circulation of the Panama Papers, at least 125 Argentine taxpayers have laundered other badets for more than 3,100 million pesos before the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP), according to hundreds of emails that these Argentineans have traded with the Panamanian studio Mossack Fonseca, copied by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which incorporates La Nacin These e-mails show that these 125 Mossack Fonseca clients decided to take advantage of the "fiscal sincerity" aroused by the government of Mauricio Macri, during the weeks that followed the Panama Papers in the middle of 2016. They reported bank accounts in Switzerland and other tax shelters, houses in Punta del Este and apartments in Miami, among other badets. Among Argentines who have joined the "voluntary outsourcing" of badets, there are entrepreneurs from different sectors, but these are not public figures or politically exposed people.

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The remains of the Concordian Ral Tito Maschio have arrived in the province.

01/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 20 "- 162 Visits
There was a ceremony this Saturday Arrived in the province the remains of the Concordian Ral Tito Maschio
The remains of Ral Tito Maschio, disappeared by the military dictatorship, arrived at Concordia this Saturday After being identified by the Argentinean Forensic Anthropology Team, the ceremony was attended by Mayor Enrique Cresto, Vice President, Armando Gay, the Undersecretary of Human rights, Matas Germano, legislators and other officials of Sol, in Plaza Urquiza and in the new cemetery, where they were buried Ral "Tito" Marchio was abducted on the night of December 6, 1977 , in Gonnet, about six kilometers from the town of La Plata.The family had no news of him until he was released in 1984, when the National Commission's book on People's Disappearance (CONADEP) was published, they could say by the way Testimony of a survivor that Ral Tito Maschio was the Clandestine Detention Center of Communications Battalion 01 de Gonnet.

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In access to Segu a car despist and incrust in a sentry box

01/07/2018 –  time
0 – 15 "- 137 Visits
Segu In the middle of an intense fog, an automobile is embedded in a sentry box
A violent accident occurred in the morning of Sunday in access to the city According to what has been reported, for reasons to establish, a Chevrolet Corsa was set up in a collective entrance port, and a couple traveling from San Salvador to The town of Crespo circulated in the vehicle.The woman was transferred to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with minor injuries, while the man was unhurt.

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We are witnessing a new attempt to stop an engine of the economy and employment, affirmed by the Gualeguaych Rural Society

01 / 07/2018 –  time
4 & # 39; 27 "- 146 Visits
Analysis of the reality of the sector We are witnessing a new attempt to stop an engine of the economy and employment, they said from the Rural Society Gualeguaych
a statement in which they make a list of the numbers that are treated in different activities of agriculture, which clearly illustrate the value of the agricultural sector for the Argentine economy, such as the reduced participation of the producer in the final price of the main products we consume These figures contrast sharply with the faded and false discourse of some ideological political sector of the city and the country that syndicate the campaign as a non-generator of work , as well as data that highlights the importance in the scaffolding of the economy, as the fabulous and disproportionate collection that the state makes to agricultural production, they said.

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Urdinarrain signed an agreement with the Center for Development, Environment and Health (CenDAS)

01/07/2018 –  time ] 3 & # 39; 5 "- 164 Visits
In a year will be the first results Before cancer cases, a study of environmental impact begins in Urdinarrain
Last Friday the presentation of the project for the epistemological study was made and diagnosis of the sanitary situation in Urdinarrain, the municipal authorities and the Center for Studies, Development, Environment and Health (CenDAS) of Concepcin del Uruguay signed a reciprocal cooperation agreement. The training phase has ended and another step has been taken to start the study of environmental impact that seeks to detect, among other things, the sources of contamination and a true statistics of cancer cases in Urdinarrain L & # 39; 39, a study conducted by the Center's director, Leandro Marc, began with anonymous surveys of Urdinarrain's neighbors to statistically identify diseases and other topics of interest. tends that in a year the first results will be known.

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A young woman died and three others were seriously injured in an accident on Avenida Almafuerte. (Photo: Cbad Once)

01/07/2018 –  weather
1 – 7 "- 1039 visitors
Near the wholesale supermarket Fatal accident on Avenida Almafuerte: a woman died and several were injured
A terrible accident occurred at the first This Sunday's hours on Avenida Almafuerte de Paran, where a Chevrolet Prisma car and a Mitsubishi truck collided, the young woman who drives the car lost her life in the place and three other people have had to be hospitalized at San Martn hospital with serious injuries, the cars traveling in the same direction. "Paran County Police, Commissioner Ral Menescardi, noted that" there are some brands of skid and Criminalstica has the skills to establish which country and the speed with which they circulate, "added the policeman, adding that" the vehicles are badly damaged "."

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Around the 1st of July, they remember the 44th anniversary of Pern's death.

01/07/2018 –  time
0 & # 39; 33 "- 151 Visits
This Sunday In District 1 of Julio de Paran remembered Pern, 44 years after his death
44 years after the death of Juan Domingo Pern, in the neighborhood 1 of Julio de Paran, neighbors and representatives of different spaces held a commemorative ceremony, with the bust of the former president of the nation, they placed floral offerings and read a document, in addition, they have sang the national anthem and the Peronist march, we summoned remember the anniversary of the death of General, our leader, various forums of the justicialist movement, representatives of trade unionism, the sector of workers and the neighborhood explained Lautaro Lpez.

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We will handle the shortage, recognizes one of the most influential officials of the national government.

01/07/2018 –  time
2 & # 39; 22 "- 241 Visitas
New Second Semester At Casa Rosada they will activate the Aguante Plan towards the end of the year
WHERE IT WAS D & # 39; 39, a program of the Kirchner decade, it could have called Aguante Plan Macrismo could call Antiturbulence Plan.The second half of this year will be, for Casa Rosada, a very complex transit to the elections from 2019. As rarely, in the highest heights of power, one admits that there is little adjustment., far from the optimism that permeates only the chief of staff. , Marcos Pea, great part of the officials of Balcarce 50, to the own president Mauricio Macri.

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New increases in petrol have been applied since this Sunday throughout the country.

01/07/2018 –  weather
1 & # 39; 10 "- 154 Visits
As of this Sunday YPF increased Gasoline and diesel still rose by five percent
Promises of moderate increases in the oil sector last so long as they are allowed to devalue at least, as demonstrated by the naphtha and diesel adjustments that this YPF applied last Sunday, the largest oil company in the country under the control of the oil company. State, which increases by five percent, while it was expected to three percent.So, in Paran, Infinia naphtha is sold at 36.28 pesos per liter, which implies an increase of more than two pesos, the naphtha Sper is already sold at 30.99 pesos and the Infinia Diesel at 31.65 pesos and the common 26.32 pesos.

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Monsignor Jorge Lozano is actively fighting against the decriminalization of abortion.

01/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 24 "- 157 Visits
The former bishop of Gualeguaych, is today in San Juan Lozano against the decriminalization of abortion: No one can obey something against his conscience
The former bishop of Gualeguaych and current archbishop of San Juan, Monsignor Jorge Lozano, shared last week's actions against abortion with doctors from his district by hugging symbolic at the hospital Rawson, the main hospital of this province.In San Juan, all national deputies voted against the project The termination of pregnancy and the three senators also anticipated their refusal, however, the priest multiplies activities to articulate actions with other beliefs and professionals, and in the event that the initiative is approved, he warns that no one can obey his conscience. "legal issues" in case the project prospers and admit that at the level of the Episcopal Conference there is a permanent commission, of Family, that has been in charge of going to contact in Buenos Aires with the persons in charge of various zones in the Camera

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There will be a vigil in justice claim by Fernando Pastorizzo.

01 / 07/2018 –  weather
0 & # 39; 44 "- 181 Visits
This Monday in Gualeguaych There will be a vigil in the claim of justice by Fernando Pastorizzo
Six months after the death of the young Fernando Pastorizzo, family and friends convened a meeting Pending the verdict of the Court of Gualeguaych that judges the only accused of the crime, Nahir Galarza, to be a vigil that will take place this Monday, from 21 hours, 25 streets of Mayo and Rocamora, Gualeguaych sentence and for this reason in the wake, it is requested that the verdict we hope is perpetual seclusion, and that the judges are just that day, on the occasion a giant screen video will be screened to remember Fernando, who six months ago He is not among us physically, but he is in our hearts.

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More than 500 rural schools will receive school furniture

01/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 33 "- 158 Visits
Envelope calls for tenders were opened More than 500 rural schools will receive school furniture
As part of the second project for Improvement of rural education (PROMER II) The provincial government proceeded to open envelopes for the purchase of school furniture that benefited several institutions. 39 Call for bids was made in the offices of the Provincial Implementation Unit and the Minister of Planning, Luis Benedetto, the UEP Executive Coordinator, Adolfo Quinodoz and the CEG primary level director, Rosana Castro The furniture is intended for more than 500 rural primary schools, which will receive 2 326 bi-personal sets, 547 closets, 391 sets of groups 386 acrylic boards and 20 sets of initial level.

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Sunday fog, rain and drizzle at Entre Ros.

07/01/2018 –  weather
0 – 24 "- 180 Visits
Be careful when traveling Sunday with fog, rain and drizzle at Entre Ros
The National Meteorological Service (SMN) is planning a Sunday of fog, rain and Storm in Entre Ros, and already anticipates that bad weather will continue Monday, with precipitation, storms and heat expected in the province, and the agency issued a special report on reducing visibility due to the presence of mists and fog patches in the south.In this sense, motorists must exercise the utmost caution, especially on the roads, and it is estimated that the situation is the same throughout the Litoral region , in the center and east of Crdoba, in the province of Buenos Aires, east of La Pampa and Ro de la Plata, continue until Sunday afternoon.

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Four people hospitalized after crushing a car and a truck on Highway 12.

01/07/2018 –  time
0-32 "- 186 Visits
At the entrance of Crespo Four people were injured in an accident on Ruta 12
Four people were injured and had to be hospitalized when They were involved in an accident on the national highway 12, in access to the town of Crespo, the grim road occurred at 6 this Sunday, when the area had reduced visibility by the fog, and collided with a Ford Fiesta, which was traveling three young people living in Crespo and a Chevrolet Blazer, led by a 73-year-old man from the "poultry capital" who was seriously injured.

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Macri is visiting the producers of Tandil. (photo: illustrative file)

01/07/2018 –  time
0 – 46 "- 159 Visits
He said during the visit of a Tandil producer The President of the Nation confirmed that the retentions are not going back [19659011] President Mauricio Macri badured Saturday that the retentions were gone They did not return, as part of a visit to an agricultural producer from Tandil, in the province of Buenos Aires, where he talked about the rumors of changes in the current regime of export rights.We can never hear about anything that nobody in the world is doing The door of the brake to the progressive reduction of soya retentions had remained open after the signing of the protocol agree with the IMF.

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The prosecutor Jorge Garca badyzes the judicial and political reality

01/07/2018 –  time
      9 &#39;44 "- 1624 Visiteurs
Le procureur badyse la réalité judiciaire et politique Jorge Garca: La politique doit comprendre que le Pouvoir Judiciaire est indépendant
Le Procureur Général de la Cour Supérieure de Justice (STJ), Jorge Amilcar Garca, a déclaré que la municipalité de Paran vit avec les poursuites du maire, Sergio Varisco, les arrestations du conseiller Pablo Hernndez et l&#39;employé Griselda Bordeira, et l&#39;imputation du conseiller Emanuel Gainza, dans une affaire de trafic de drogue; Ce qui a été ajouté la semaine dernière a été l&#39;arrestation du secrétaire aux médias, Jos Escobar, pour avoir tenté d&#39;effacer des preuves dans une enquête sur une menace, badysant que c&#39;est la compétence des gens eux-mêmes pour arriver à cette situation. la phrase de (Daniel Tavi) Celis jusqu&#39;à aujourd&#39;hui, il y a une continuité où il y a beaucoup de responsabilités de tous ces gens qui sont impliqués dans ce processus, ce n&#39;est pas un caprice de la justice Je ne suis ni fédéral ni local. Consulté par l&#39;existence d&#39;une sorte de soumission et de persécution de la Justice vers le pouvoir politique, Garca a défini que la politique doit comprendre que le Pouvoir Judiciaire est indépendant, ce que signifie qu&#39;il a sa propre autopoiesis qui est celle des normes, et fondamentalement celle de la Constitution: si nous n&#39;examinons pas, nous commettons le crime de l&#39;article 274, qui ne fait précisément pas l&#39;objet d&#39;une enquête. Nous ne pouvons pas enquêter et dire que c&#39;est une question de politique. La limite du principe de la division des pouvoirs est dans le Code pénal et si les gens encourent le Code pénal, il n&#39;y a pas d&#39;autre moyen que d&#39;enquêter, a-t-il baduré. Il a également déclaré que les causes de la corruption ont toujours été une priorité car si nous n&#39;éliminons pas le domaine de la corruption, nous ne pouvons pas construire un cadre institutionnel sérieux. Aussi avancer que la semaine prochaine ou immédiatement après la foire judiciaire sera jugé la cause de la surévaluation dans les travaux de pavage dans lequel est imputé le maire de Segu, Cristian Treppo, qui est ajouté à l&#39;affaire criminelle pour faux témoignage dans la cause Alanis.

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Bordeira déclare une grève de la faim à la prison de Paran.

01/07/2018 –  temps
      1&#39; 27" – 507 Visitas
Hernndez pide asistir a las sesiones del Concejo Causa narcomunicipio: Bordeira levant la huelga de hambre este sbado
En el marco de la causa que por vnculos con el narcotrfico en la que est procesado el intendente de Paran, Sergio Varisco, la funcionaria municipal y policial detenida en la Unidad Penal N6, Griselda Bordeira, se declar en huelga de hambre el pasado viernes, medida que levant en la jornada de este sbado, segn se inform a ANLISIS DIGITAL. El Servicio Penitenciario le haba comunicado al juez federal Leandro Ros la determinacin de la detenida. El motivo de la medida era protestar por considerar que la situacin que le toca vivir es injusta. En tanto, el concejal Pablo Hernndez, detenido en la crcel de Paran por la misma causa, solicit autorizacin para asistir a las sesiones del Concejo Deliberante. Su abogado defensor, Emilio Fouces fundament la apelacin pidiendo la eximicin de prisin del edil.

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En la Casa de Entre Ros se empezar a esbozar la propuesta a Macri

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      0&#39; 56" – 250 Visitas
El martes se reunirn los ministros de Economa del PJ En la Casa de Entre Ros se empezar a esbozar la propuesta de presupuesto que se presentar a Macri
Los gobernadores peronistas preparan una propuesta para discutir con la Nacin de cara a la aprobacin del presupuesto 2019. El martes prximo se reunirn sus ministros de Economa para disear el aspecto tcnico, que incluye las transferencias de la empresa Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA), el Ente Regulador de la Electricidad (ENRE) y la Justicia de la ciudad de Buenos Aires a la gobernadora Mara Eugenia Vidal y a Horacio Rodrguez Larreta, y la postergacin de la reduccin de Ingresos Brutos establecida en el pacto fiscal.

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Dante Sica estar el jueves en Paran junto a Ibarra y Etchevehere.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      0&#39; 52" – 266 Visitas
En el Foro Anual del Consejo Empresario de Entre Ros El ministro de Produccin de la Nacin estar el jueves en Paran
El ministro de Produccin de la Nacin, Dante Sica confirm su participacin al XIII Foro Anual del Consejo Empresario de Entre Ros, "Institucionalidad, Competitividad y Desarrollo Sustentable", que se realizar el jueves 5 de julio en el Centro Provincial de Convenciones de Paran. Presentando la visin del Estado al 2030 y las principales polticas de desarrollo, Sica disertar junto a los ministros de Agroindustria, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, y de Modernizacin, Andrs Ibarra. Tambin estarn presentes, la diputada nacional, Elisa Carri, la r/Representante de la UNESCO ante los gobiernos de Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay, Lidia Brito; la promotora de Justicia del Ministerio Pblico del Distrito Federal y Territorios de Brasil, Luciana Asper y Valds, el profesor de la Universidad Bicocca de Miln, Luiggino Bruni; entre otros actores.

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El Tnel Subfluvial actualizar tarifas desde las 0 horas del 1 de julio.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      0&#39; 57" – 265 Visitas
Los vehculos pagarn 45 pesos El Tnel Subfluvial actualiz sus tarifas desde las 0 horas de este domingo
El Tnel Subfluvial Ral Uranga – Carlos Sylvestre Begnis, inform que a partir de las 0 horas del domingo 1 de julio, el cuadro tarifario para el cruce del peaje ser actualizado conforme a lo estipulado el ao pasado, cuando el Consejo Superior de ambas provincias acord la actualizacin anual de manera escalonada con el objetivo de reducir el impacto de la misma en funcin del contexto econmico y social. De este modo, la categora de vehculos pasar a costar 45 pesos.

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Macri en una reunin con los gobernadores.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      5&#39; 23" – 257 Visitas
Bordet y otros mandatarios respaldaron la baja del dficit Macri y los gobernadores: los lmites de un acuerdo pensando slo en el dlar
El gobierno busca darle un mensaje directo a los mercados y logr que una decena de jefes provinciales saliera a respaldar el recorte del dficit para marcar el fin de semana poltico frente a otra trepada electrizante del dlar. En la andanada de declaraciones confluyeron nombres del peronismo, de fuerzas provinciales y del propio oficialismo. Cinco gobernadores del PJ aportaron lo suyo: el cordobs Juan Schiaretti, el salteo Juan Manuel Urtubey, el sanjuanino Sergio Uac, el entrerriano Gustavo Bordet y el chaqueo Domingo Peppo. Sin embargo, parece insuficiente limitar la negociacin al Presupuesto, ya que la previsibilidad es tambin una construccin poltica. Todo rpido, aunque sigue abierta una pregunta: est en discusin un acuerdo presupuestario o se intenta un consenso ms amplio? La respuesta sera el mayor mensaje, si se produce a tiempo y no se agota en un gesto de coyuntura.

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Un centenar de expertos expondr en el Senado nacional sobre el aborto.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      3&#39; 7" – 268 Visitas
Habr 100 expositores a favor y en contra Con final abierto, el Senado tendr su propio desfile de expertos sobre el aborto
El radical jujeo Mario Fiad regres ayer a su provincia saboreando su primer cuarto de hora de fama. En el maletn llevaba el bosquejo de un esquema que imagina para imprimirle al Senado un ritmo propio en el debate por la ley de aborto. Como presidente de la Comisin de Salud, que desde el martes fungir de cabecera del plenario de tres que pondr en revisin la media sancin de Diputados, propondr tres semanas de maratnicas audiencias, con ms peso en la representacin institucional que en los nombres rutilantes, y dndole la espalda al receso invernal. Habr cien expositores, a favor y en contra. Las propuestas de cambios hacen ruido en ambos lados de las opiniones.

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El FMI se reunir con los sindicatos y avala un acuerdo econmico y social.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      2&#39; 29" – 253 Visitas
Hubo una teleconferencia con dirigentes de la CGT El FMI se reunir con los sindicatos y avala un acuerdo econmico y social
Entre los sindicatos, el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) remite a las peores pesadillas y es casi una mala palabra. El acuerdo sellado entre el organismo y el gobierno nacional, incluso, fue uno de los detonantes que empuj a las centrales a avanzar en el paro general que se concret el lunes ltimo. A pesar de ello, se abri un inusual cbad de comunicacin con la Confederacin General del Trabajo (CGT) con una teleconferencia entre algunos dirigentes sindicales y representantes de primer nivel de la entidad internacional, y all se acord un encuentro cara a cara para septiembre, cuando una misin del organismo aterrice en Buenos Aires para las supervisiones trimestrales. De ese encuentro participaran los enviados del Fondo, representantes de la CGT y de la CTA, y se gestionan otros encuentros con diversos actores sociales, como empresarios y tal vez la Iglesia.

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Monjo adelant el aumento salarial para los empleados municipales de San Jos.

01/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      1&#39; 54" – 203 Visitas
Se realizar en dos tramos La intendente de San Jos adelant el incremento de los salarios municipales
La intendente de San Jos, Irma Monjo, confirm un incremento salarial del 10 por ciento para los empleados municipales, cuyo pago se adelantar a julio en el primer tramo de cinco por ciento. El resto se abonar en septiembre. La presidenta municipal hizo el anuncio el pasado viernes tras participar del acto por el 208 aniversario de Prefectura Naval Argentina en la ciudad de Coln. En ese marco, asegur que "no se despedir gente" y destac que este esfuerzo es fruto de una buena administracin de los recursos municipales. No obstante, admiti su "preocupacin" por la realidad econmica del pas y revel que se recibi "la garanta de coparticipacin con una disminucin considerable".


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Este sbado a las 21
La Posta y Dos Intoxicados actuarn en el Centro Cultural Juan L. Ortiz
El prximo sbado 7 de julio ser una noche de rock and roll en el Centro Cultural Juan L. Ortiz de Paran. Dos Intoxicadosla banda integrada por dos de los msicos que fueron parte de la legendaria banda, se presentarn invitados por La Postaquienes sern los anfitriones del encuentro. Humo Espeso ser otra banda local invitada. La cita es desde las 21, en la capital entrerriana.

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Este viernes visitar la ciudad de Victoria
El Cinemvil recorri las localidades de Aldea San Juan, Costa del Uruguay Sur, Gilbert e Irazusta
Como hace 20 aos el Cine Mvil recorre Entre Ros llevando a las zonas ms pequeas la posibilidad de disfrutar las mejores pelculas nacionales y latinoamericanas. En tal sentido, cientos de nios y adultos disfrutaron de la proyeccin de pelculas infantiles en las localidades de Aldea San Juan, Costa del Uruguay Sur e Irazusta. Las actividades se realizaron en el marco del programa Cine Mvil de la Secretara de Turismo y Cultura a travs del Instituto Audiovisual (IAER).

Se llevar a cabo el 7 y 8 de julio; a cargo de la actriz y docente Ariana Caruso
Paran: cerra la inscripcin para el Workshop en Antropologa Teatral
Loa das sbado 7 y domingo 8 de julio tendr lugar en la capital entrerriana, en horario de 16 a 21 un Workshop en Antropologa Teatral (Entrenamiento Fsico y Vocal) a cargo de Ariana Caruso. La propuesta se llevar a cabo en la Escuela de Msica, Danza y Teatro Profesor Constancio Carminio y est destinada a artistas escnicos. Inscripciones abiertas, con cupo limitado.

El jueves 5 de julio, con la presencia de lxs directores en la sala
Una pelcula sobre Osvaldo Bayer se proyectar en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin
El jueves 5 de julio se proyectar y debatir en la capital entrerriana la pelcula documental Pueden lⒶs anarquistas bailar? (sobre Osvaldo Bayer). El encuentro ser a las 18.30 en el Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh (Buenos Aires 389) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin. Adems, asistirn les directorxs del documental: Juan Pablo Gutirrez y Patricia Coppola, ambxs de Crdoba. La actividad es organizada por la Revista Mate y el Espacio Libertario de Paran. La convocatoria es para el pblico general, entrada libre y gratuita.

En Casa de la Cultura y La Vieja Usina; actividad gratuita
El actor Mosquito Sancineto dar un taller de improvisacin en Paran
La Secretaria de Turismo y Cultura convoca a actores entrerrianos para participar en un taller gratuito de improvisacin teatral dictado por el maestro Mosquito Sancineto. El actor, director y docente, es especialista en tcnicas de improvisacin y principal referente en el gnero. La iniciativa de taller se llevar a cabo los das lunes 16, martes 17, mircoles 18, jueves 19 y viernes 20 de julio de 15 a 18, en la Casa de la Cultura de Entre Ros y en la Vieja Usina.


* El Festival de Espectculos Infantiles celebra 20 aos de junto al pblico
* El Ciclo de Teatro Universitario presenta Mano a Mano. Cuando la puerta se cierra
* Argentina y Uruguay se abrazan en la msica compartida
* Convocan a la comunidad paranaense a participar de la accin conjunta Mi Muro dice
* Literatura: Fernando Kosiak presenta La bondad de los extraos


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Liga Femenina de Bsquet
Rocamora no pudo ante Berazategui en Buenos Aires
En el marco de la Liga Nacional femenina de bsquet, Rocamora no pudo como visitante de Berazategui. Fue derrota por 85-60 en el marco de la undcima presentacin del equipo uruguayense en este campeonato. La figura del encuentro fue Macarena DUrso, de brillante actuacin en la que anot un total de 26 tantos. De esta manera, el equipo de Laura Gonzlez se ubica en la cuarta colocacin, cumpliendo con el objetivo original de ser competitivo. El prximo partido del Rojo ser ante Berazategui, en la despedida del elenco de La Histrica del certamen, el lunes 9 de julio, desde las 21.

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Tras la eliminacin
Siempre juntos y en las malas mucho ms, dijo Willy Caballero
El santaelenense Wilfredo Caballero, arquero de la seleccin argentina, se despidi en sus redes sociales de la Copa del Mundo. En su Instagram personal realiz dos publicaciones en las que brind palabras de agradecimiento a sus compaeros, familia y al pblico. Adems, hizo referencia al equipo de guardametas que compusieron la seleccin Argentina en este mundial con un posteo en el que se lo ve junto a Franco Armani -quien termin siendo titular- y Nahuel Guzmn.

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En los penales
Croacia super a Dinamarca y avanz de fase
En el estadio de Nizhny Novgorod, Croacia y Dinamarca igualaron 1-1, pero en los penales, los croatas se impusieron por 3-2 y avanzaron de fase. Mathias Jorgensen abri la cuenta al minuto de partido para los daneses, pero Mario Mandzukic igual tan slo tres minutos ms tarde. Durante los 90, Luka Modric tuvo la chance desde el punto de penal, pero Kasper Schmeichel detuvo la ejecucin. En los tiros desde los 12 pasos, Subasic (Croacia) detuvo los penales de Eriksen, Schne y Jorgensen; mientras que Schmeichel los de Badelj y Pivaric para el resultado final de 3-2 en favor de los croatas, que jugarn los cuartos de final ante Rusia en Sochi.

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Se sumara el lunes
Hay acuerdo entre Racing y Tijuana por el concordiense Gustavo Bou
Habiendo llegado a un acuerdo de palabra, Racing est cerca de reincorporar al concordiense Gustavo Bou. El delantero surgido del club Comunicaciones de Concordia se encuentra actualmente en el Club Tijuana de Mxico, donde jug 36 partidos y convirti 10 goles. En la Academiala Pantera consigui el campeonato de Primera Divisin 2014, siendo una de las principales figuras de un equipo del que tambin formaba parte Diego Milito. Sera una cesin por una temporada sin opcin de compra.

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Rusia 2018
El anfitrin dio el golpe y elimin a Espaa
En el marco de los octavos de final de la Copa del Mundo de Rusia 2018, el local elimin a Espaa en los penales. Fue por 4-3, luego de igualar durante los 90 minutos por 1-1. Sergey Ignasevich, en contra, haba anotado el tanto espaol a los 12 del primer tiempo; mientras que Artem Dzyuba, a los 41 y de penal, marc la igualdad para los rusos. En los penales, Igor Akinfeev detuvo dos disparos espaoles (a Koke y Aspas) para sellar la clasificacin. Con esta victoria, el equipo anfitrin arriba a los cuartos de final, en donde deber enfrentarse a Croacia el sbado 7 de julio, en Sochi, para dirimir un boleto a las semifinales del certamen mundialista.


* El Nutico de Paran recibi la segunda Copa Dacron de 2018
* Bsquet u17: con Scacchi, Varisco y Daz, Argentina no pudo con Francia
* Argentina perdi con Francia y dijo adis a la Copa del Mundo
* Con Ortega Desio, Jaguares super a Stormers
* Rugby: Estudiantes y Tilcara no pudieron en la lite; Rowing lidera el ascenso