Numerical Analysis


05/07/2018 –  weather
4 & # 39; 53 "- 173 Visits
After nearly three years of work, we have ordered our public accounts, he said In the CEER Forum, Bordet s pronounced to generate models of development with social inclusion

The national ministers, Bahl and the governor of Santa Fe participated, among others.

We must respect the fiscal objectives to realize the conditions of development, there is no Particular interest that may be greater than the general interest and Governor Gustavo Bordet said Thursday, along with his Santa Fe counterpart, Miguel Lifschitz, that there would not have been any problem. Greater political interest than general welfare, at the annual Entre Ríos entrepreneurs' council (CEER) forum, a frank, sincere and open discussion to achieve these goals and discuss points that should be corrected in order to 39, achieve the balanced budget , and in this discussion, we find ourselves sitting provinces with gobi A national effort to reach the best deals, says Entre Ríos. We have to deal with adverse and unfavorable circumstances, in a context where the fiscal deficit in our province is really alarming. After almost three years of work, we have ordered our public accounts, we are in a situation of balance, says in another section.

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Federal police strike the municipal offices of the old hipdrome for the cause of narcomunicipio.

05/07/2018 –  weather
0-40 "- 938 Visitas
Causa narcomunicipio New descent of the federal police in the municipal offices of the old hipdrome
In total secrecy, the federal police developed during the first hours of Thursday morning a new agent in the municipal offices that operate in the premises of the ancient hipdrome of the capital enterriana, as part of the cause narcomunicipio, which investigates the alleged links between the mayor of Paran, Sergio Varisco, and other councilors and officials with the narco group Daniel Tavi Celis: Several members of the national force kept access to the site in the street Maci during the course of the procedure, in which the offices worked where was worked the municipal agent Griselda Bordeira, and the safe areas where the secretary of Public Services, Ricardo Frank It also needs a vehicle that is used as a rems and a truck that is e In the course of the proceedings, it was learned the lawyer of the communal head, Rubn Pagliotto.

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05/07/2018 –  weather
4 & # 39; 5 "- 1043 Visitas
Also, all about the political profile of the adviser Emanuel Gainza, imputed to the cause narcomunicipio The contracted related to Celis: this Thursday in the magazine ANLISIS who are the people who use the municipality of the narco-political agreement
Mayor Sergio Varisco systematically denying that he had ever agreed with Daniel Tavi Celis and therefore never allowed to locate contracted in the municipal structure from December 2015. A study of the padrn conducted by ANLISIS determined that Varisco did not correspond to the truth. of 400 municipal unit 2 employees, about 80 meet Celis and a high number of workers was appointed from January 2016, to work closely with the men's chief narco, the magazine is on the street this Thursday and also tells you t out on the political profile of the imputed Jal de Pro, Emanuel Gainza.

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Rosa has marked the clbadrooms of universities and institutions of higher education

05/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 24 "- 152 Visits
Institutional Mourning Profound regret in the University community for the death of teacher Claudia Rosa
Professor of the National University of Between Ros (UNER), Claudia Rosa, died this Thursday in the province of Corrientes during a surgical intervention, the Faculty of Education Sciences has suspended all its activities and there will be a mourning Institutional during the day on Friday Rosa was Doctor of Social Sciences by UNER, Master in Education and Post Doctor in Human Sciences from the National University of Crdoba (UNC) Dr. Rosa was also Rector of ETER Paran and has lectured and postgraduate courses at many universities abroad including St. Andrews, Paris XII, Pittsburgh, Washington, Bergamo, Jerusalem, He was essayist, literary critic and publisher and, for his work, he received from many national and international provincial prizes.

<img src = "" width = "150" height = "190.12738853503" border = "0" alt = " Click to enlarge [19659008] "The problem will be solved," they say.

05/07/2018 –  time
2 & # 39; 38 "- 46 Visits
Macri today met with Defense and Treasury Ministers to evaluate a change in resolution The Government to Correct Military Pay Increases to Unpack the discomfort in the armed forces
Just three days after the government issued a controversial resolution in which it provides only for a 8 per cent wage increase for lower-ranking military and a fixed sum for two months for the hierarchies, the Ministry of Defense badesses in these hours to make a Correction in the proposed salary plan to calm the heated nimes in the armed forces

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Waiting for the Chamber to resolve the appeal to its preventive prison .

05/07/2018 –  weather
0 – 32 "- 73 Visits
He is detained in prison Judge Rejects Hernndez's Proposal to Attend Deliberative Council Sessions
Federal Judge of Paran , Leandro Ros, dismissed in the last hours The councilman Pablo Hernndez, who had requested the opportunity to attend the sessions of the municipal deliberative body, while he was in pretrial detention in the municipality. N1 criminal unit of Paran, had been solicited by his lawyer, Emilio Fouces, who The possibility that while Hernndez continues to be the subject of investigation, and with the issuance of the preventive prison and the prosecution, he was allowed to attend the deliberative Council sessions

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There are underrepresented provinces the Lower House

05/07/2018 –  hour
2 & # 39; 16 "- 140 Visits
Between Ros, one of the provinces that made the most inhabitants A judicial decision introduces changes to the composition of the Chamber of Deputies
The Electoral Chamber National held Thursday that the Chamber of Deputies must change its current composition because the provinces that have the largest number of inhabitants are underrepresented.
With the signing of judges Santiago Corcuera and Alberto Dalla Via, the court made room for a statement from a Crdoba voter. It's one of the provinces that has, in proportion, fewer MPs than it will match. Another of the jurisdictions reached is Entre Ros

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After a decade, Argentina has exported fractionated honey to Brazil and made the first expedition to the history of fresh pomegranates.

05/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 56 "- 50 Visits
The first shipment of fresh pomegranates also took place After a decade, Argentina exported fractionated honey to Brazil
Argentina has exported fractionated honey to Brazil after more than a decade.The result of the public-private work, which is part of the competitiveness tables and working committees coordinated by our ministry, said the Minister of Agriculture. Agribusiness of the Nation, Luis Miguel Etchevehere, the first two containers, which arrived in the port of Santos.The last days of June, they will be on sale from the 20th of this month in the city of San Pablo and correspond to a Tandil's SME.On the other hand, last Tuesday, the first export in the history of fresh pomegranates was confirmed.Brazil: The cargo comes from the province of Crdoba and its destination is the great metropolis of São Paulo , with 9,800 kilos of fruit r grouped in 2,388 boxes, which will delight the demanding Brazilian consumer.

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Mario Nez was acquitted last year. The criminal cbadation revoked this acquittal and ordered a new trial.

05/07/2018 –  time
10 & # 39; 38 "- 255 Visits
The oral trial took place last year Narco-political case: they revoked the acquittal of the Federal Court of Paran regarding the Commissioner Nose and ordered a new trial
June 8 last year, the Federal Federal Court (TOF) of Paran sentenced ten people for forming a gang of narcotics traffickers with deployment on the coast of Uruguay , and 15 people had arrived, but the prosecutor's office (MPF) in charge of Ignacio Candioti asked for a punishment for 14. Among the people accused by the prosecutor, there are security force officials, including the commissioner of toxicology of the provincial police, Mario Alberto Nez In the judgment of the judges of Paran, Nez was acquitted., a few days ago, the Criminal Chamber of Cbadation revoked this point of the sentence, as reported to ANALYSIS DIGITAL The compound court by Eduardo Riggi Rafael, Liliana E. Catucci and Carlos Alberto Mahiques makes the call int erected by Candioti and absolucin cancels. In addition, the order to return the proceedings to their origin, in order to make a new trial.

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Trial hearings were held between June 25 and June 28.

05/07/2018 –  time
4 – 50 "- 110 Visitas
The woman had warned of situations of abuse of power An employee of Iafas who had been denounced by an official of the agency was acquitted
] The justice did not leave room for a trial for slander and insults that the labor director of the Institute of Financial Assistance to Social Action (Iafas), Gabriel Abelendo, launched against an employee, Eliana Bern, who in 2016, at a press conference, denounced the situations of harbadment, abuse of power and violence that occurs on a group of employees of the agency, and especially on women.The trial hearings took place between June 25 and June 28 in the courts and this Thursday the judge Rafael Martn Cotorruelo law in advance of the sentence.The magistrate acquitted Bern of the blame and accused the crime of insults alleged by Abelendo through his defense lawyers, Vanesa Visconti, Candela Bessa and Julio Trillo

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] Between Ros 2030: They favor the articulation of the public and private sectors.

05/07/2018 –  time
1 – 26 "- 180 Visits
Promoting the articulation of the public and private sector National officials and governors participate in Paran's annual Entre Entre Entre Entrepreneur Council
As part of its 20th anniversary, the Entre Ros Entrepreneur Council (CEER) held this Thursday in Paran, its 13th annual Ros Ros between 2030 – Institutionality, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development, at the head of the meeting, the president of the Entity, Juan Diego Etchevehere, and the governors of Entre Ros, Gustavo Bordet, and Santa Fe Miguel Lifschitz, members of Regin Centro, in addition to the Ministers of Production and the Agroindustrie of the Nation , Dante Sica and Luis Miguel Etchevehere, are the opportunity to agree on the state policies that generate development in the economies of our provinces in the Central Region and in the country because that they are the objective conditions of which no we need for growth, "said the first president of Entre Ríos. The Forum brought together outstanding speakers, including the United Nations Resident Coordinator Ren Valds; the Minister of Modernization of the Nation, Andrs Ibarra; that of Production, Dante Sica. Regional Director of Science of Unesco, Lidia Brito; the Public Prosecutor of the Federal District and the Territories of Brazil, Luciana Asper and Valds; the professor of the University Bicocca of Milan, Luiggino Bruni; the national deputy, Elisa Carri; members of the Group of 6 (G-6), among others.

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The company manages the hotel Alto Calafate

05/07/2018 –  time
0 – 42 "- 59 Visits
As part of the Hotesur case They ordered the intervention of a company managing one of Cristina's hotels Kirchner
Federal Judge Julin Ercolini on Thursday ordered the intervention of Idea SA, the company that runs the hotel Alto Calafate, as part of the Hotesur case in which the Senator and former president Cristina Kirchner is being processed, the measure is with the faculties of information, administration and recovery, for a period of six months, with her authorities, informed the Center of 39, judicial information (ICJ), on what was resolved by the magistrate, which led to a request of the prosecutor Gerardo Pollicita.

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Andrs was conscripted in the regiment of Tablada. [19659008] 05/07/2018 –  weather
2 & # 39; 32 "- 116 Visits
Andrs Folch was among the first to arrive at the islands They identified the remains of another Argentine soldier buried one of the tombs in Malvinas [19659011] The Folch sisters waited 35 years for the Argentine state finally gave them the certainty that they received yesterday: his brother Andrs is one of the soldiers who fell to the Falklands and lies in a tomb of Darwin's cemetery: "Now we feel restricted," said Carmen, the eldest of the sisters, after receiving the information in the offices that the Secretary of Human Rights of Nacin occupies in the premises of the former ESMA, with his sisters Raquel, Ana and her husband, Pedro Rodrguez, conscript of 19 years old, Andrs Folch was among the first to arrive at Malvinas and fell on the end of the war , in the battle of Puerto Argentino, on June 14. He was killed by the same missile as Julio Cao, another soldier who i was identified weeks.
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The soybean harvest has ended with 33 percent less than in the previous cycle

05/07/2018 –  time
2 & # 39; 22 "- 62 visits
36 million tonnes were produced Affected by drought, the soybean crop was the weakest in nine years
The soybean harvest was strongest. is completed in our country with a yield It was 33 percent lower than the level reached in the previous cycle, according to grain market estimates, this season's production reached only 36 million tons, the lowest of the nine last years, and that meant a loss of over $ 4 million.

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Fuel sales were reduced after increases.

05/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 55 "- 90 Visits
May figures are compared to the same month of the previous year and include diesel and gasoline Impact of increases: fuel sales fell by 13%
The total volume of sales to the public of liquid fuels (naphtha and diesel) decreased by 13.6% last May compared to the same month of the previous year, which was 12%. , 2% for gasoline and 15.3% for gasoline. For diesel, sales of CNG were reduced by 12% and data was collected by the consulting firm Economic Trends, on the basis of information from the Ministry of Energy, at the request of the Fuel Consumers Federation of the Center Republic (Fecac)

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Finally there n & # There will be no act for July 9.

05/07/2018 –  time
0 & # 39; 57 "- 83 Visits
It occurs as part of the dissatisfaction of the Armed Forces for the granted increase For" budgetary matters ", there will be no Military parade on July 9 in Buenos Aires
National has decided to suspend the traditional military parade for Independence Day to be held Monday, citing "budgetary issues." The measure comes amidst discontent in the Armed Forces for the recent salary increase granted to persons in uniform.The show became known a few hours after the Executive published in the Official Bulletin the resolution 2/2018 which fixed the monthly credit, replaced the coefficient of determination of the Legal Liability Supplement and also the Supplementary Coefficient for Material Administration

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Events within the framework of the IOSPER elections

05/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 30 "- 230 Visits
Press Release The CAER repudiated the attack of two Electoral Council lawyers for the elections of IOSPER
The Paranian Section of the Entre Bar Association (CAER), has disavowed the personal attack of Friday, June 29 against the lawyers Pablo Testa and Rodrigo Ibez, colleagues with whom we stand together by raising the voice, in asking that we quickly elucidate the facts, through an effective investigation that allows us to identify the authors of tamaa tropela.As the College said in a press release, regarding the episode that took as victims two lawyers of the electoral fair for the elections of the Institute of Social Work of the province of Entre Ros (IOSPER)

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Shred formation with 40 wagons

05/07/2018 –  time
0 – 40 "- 104 Visits
Journey between Coronda and Arocena Santa Fe: derailment of a train of 40 cars loaded with soya
A freight train derailed Thursday morning between Towns of Santa Fe Coronda and Arocena At approximately 5:45 am, the bridge structure linking the two towns to kilometer 413 of the 11th National Highway collapsed, resulting in the formation of a Belgrano Cargas formation which transported 66 000 kilos of soybeans in 40 derailed cars

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This puts us in a quagmire that will cost us to leave, Galimberti badysis on the judicial situation of Varisco

05/07 / 2018 –  time
8 & # 39; 14 "- 388 Visitas
This puts us in a quagmire that will cost us to leave, badiz Galimberti badured that the Provincial Committee of the UCR did not take any decision concerning the situation of Varisco
Pedro Galimberti, chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Radical Civic Union, denied that in the last hours of the afternoon the vote of the decision of the National Committee of the party to suspend the affiliations of the mayor of Paran, Sergio Varisco, and the councilor was voted Pablo Hernndez, who is being sued in a case for alleged links with drug trafficking, as it will be up to the Entre Ros district to make that decision. chief clarified in the television program Cuestin de Fondo (Cbad 9 Litoral) that when it deals with the Qurum issue but then some withdrew to not be able to vote for lack of qurum, even saying that the published document "does not even have the signatur e President and Secretary ". There was no doubt that party charges would have been recommended, a license from Varisco, but the mayor's post is unipersonal, added to some institutional conflicts that may exist in the city, must be badyzed and is ultimately a decision of Varisco who has clearly said that he will not resign. Also, I admit that it affects the change and obviously puts us in a quagmire that it will cost us to leave. The text of the resolution sent to DIGITAL ANALYSIS indicates that according to the Organic Charter, competence and competence correspond to the federal institutions of the Party, in the specific case the right of sanction lies with the Unin Cvica Radical District between Ros .

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Bahl next to Espinoza, Miranda and Cbadi.

05/07/2018 –  weather
0 – 40 "- 100 Visits
Working meeting Bahl badyzes with senators the Commons Bill and Electoral Reform
Lieutenant Governor Adn Bahl meets with Senators Miriam Espinoza (Feliciano) , Nancy Miranda (federal) and Senator Pablo Cbadi (Coln) badyzed various aspects of their ministry and, among other things, discussed the bicameral Commission's debate on the Commons and Electoral Reform Bill. fundamental to advance in favorable agreements for the Juntas, so that the neighbors of the small towns can have the same rights as the rest of the enterrianos and that these local governments have a greater autonomy ", declared Bahl.

<img src = "" width = "150" height = "150.94936708861" border = "0" alt = " Click to Enlarge [19659008] Kisser, Ferrari and Schild have pushed for the proposal

05/07/2018 –  time
2 & # 39; 14 "- 121 Visits
Eight months ago, they approved a draft communication Overcrowding: Senators asked the executive to manage spaces in front of the army
The Senadores block of Cambiemos, record eight months ago approved in the precincts of the High Chamber enterriana, a communication project, by which the executive power is invited to begin negotiations in front of the Ministry of Defense of the Nation so that the available spaces of the Argentinean army are transferred, to house the prisoners of the Penitentiary Service The initiative introduced by senators Raymundo Kisser (Paran), Roque Ferrari (Victoria) and Omar Schild (Diamond).

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Alejandro Carb.

05/07/2018 –  Time
6 & # 39; 4 "- 160 Visitas
The cause narcomunicipio leaves us very badly unemployed Carb badured that what happened to the Provincial Committee are political actors
The leader of the Union Radical Civic (UCR), Alejandro Carb, He argued that at the meeting of the Provincial Committee that took place on Wednesday, the only one who clearly expressed his position in line with what the Nation had said was the party's president, Pedro Galimberti, but everyone was in agreement with the Enterrianos.This question politically the vast majority agreed that Buenos Aires does not have the power to do it (disaffiliate Varisco), and less the President (Alfredo) Cornejo does it alone, ad referendum of another meeting, the majority agreed with this: that there is to observe the due process and that Buenos Aires can not tell the entrerianos what to do and what how to do it, affirm.However, I recognized that at the mome Two of the political groups were raised, and Fabin Rogel and Atilio Benedetti, who after speaking and concluding this agreement did not wish to vote and considered that they were political actors who make it and others who know for what. He also made criticisms with regard to the leadership of the provincial party body where it seems that the lack of qurum does not matter and warned that Cambiemos is being eroded because he won the elections but that he rules the PRO. In addition, he declared that the cause narcomunicipio leaves us very badly unemployed and politically done damages.

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They request the presence of the deliberating Council of the incumbent of the municipal unit n ° 2.

05/07/2018 –  time
3 – 11 "- 114 Visits
Report on the work in the sector They request the presence at the deliberative Council of the holder of the Municipal Unit N 2
At the last session Paran's Deliberative Council, Osvaldo Guidone, director of the municipal unit N2, invited the mayor Cristina Sosa (Front for Victory) to convene the summons before the Paraná legislature., the action plan developed and the difficulties that may have arisen, in order to legally contribute to the order and realization of public services engaged in the sector in a timely manner, within the framework of the institutional situation lives in the municipality after the l 39; Mayor Sergio Varisco, Councilor Pablo Hernndez and Official Griselda Bordeira, both detained in the case of drug trafficking links

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They confirm the prosecution of the son of Ducler and his lawyers for extorting the Eskenazi.

05/07/2018 –  time
1 & # 39; 33 "- 140 Visits
The accused were briefly detained Continued prosecution of the son of financier Ducler and his lawyers for extorting the Eskenazi
Chamber I of the Criminal Appeals Chamber and Corrections confirmed on Thursday the prosecution for extortion against Juan Manuel Ducler, son of the late financier Aldo Ducler, and his lawyers Alejandro Snchez Kalbermatten and Pablo Brugo, accused of extorting leaders of the Petersen group in December, the defendants were briefly detained after a hidden camera controlled surrender and $ 300,000 with notes marked late last year, the case was initiated by a complaint from the Petersen Group that son Ducler, Brugo and Snchez Kalbermatten had required $ 20 million from their directors Sebastin and Matas Eskenazi through threats of imputations against the honor.

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Fernando Caete is said to be "concerned" about security during the elections of IOSPER

05/07/2018 –  time ] 1 & # 39; 45 "- 234 Visits
Electoral Council members were defeated Elections in IOSPER: Physical aggression is immaturity, Councilor Caete
President of the Institute of Social Work of the Province of Entre Ros (IOSPER), Fernando Caete, referred to the rarefied climate that accompanied the process before the elections to the agency and criticized the acts of violence suffered by members of the Electoral Council.The physical aggression is immaturity and bad service to the municipal workers what happened last Friday, placing them in a scene of violence and aggression, accuse the leader, therefore, ratified the measures organized at the place where the Electoral Council works in San Juan de Paran Street during the entire electoral process and until the examination takes place after 16:00. Representatives, the Electoral Council and the staff who will work to do the loading of the data and the protesters can enter. Surely there will be, they should wait outside, I warned.

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Rosario Romero has badyzed all the subjects.

05/07/2018 –  weather
8 & # 39; 20 "- 322 Visitas
The Minister badyzed all topics of interest Romero considered it prudent to authorize Varisco for the cause narcomunicipio
The Minister of Government of the province, Rosario Romero, badyzed all the topics of interest in an interview given on Wednesday night in the television program Fund Question (Cbad 9 Litoral) and in this framework recognized that the implementation of the single poll is one of the obstacles to the approval of electoral reform, although slate vote be criticized, when making the changes it is difficult to approuver, il affirme et ratifie que la proposition du PRO et le radicalisme est que le nouveau système commence à être utilisé en 2023. Il soutient que En général, des évaluations satisfaisantes sont effectuées sur le fonctionnement de la loi sur le commerce des drogues et fournissent des détails sur les o ptions qui sont badysées pour augmenter le nombre de prisons sur le territoire provincial. e, s&#39;est référé à la situation de la municipalité de Paran pour la cause de la narcomunicipalité et estime qu&#39;il sera difficile de surmonter la situation actuelle surtout à cause du choc que cela implique pour l&#39;intérieur. Rejetez la possibilité d&#39;une intervention et considérez prudent d&#39;avoir un permis du maire Sergio Varisco parce qu&#39;il décompresse la situation et permet à l&#39;intendant d&#39;exercer pleinement sa défense devant le juge.

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L&#39;UADER, les concours et le manque d&#39;information officielle

05/07/2018 –  time
      2 &#39;21 "- 509 Visites
La demande pour la tenue de concours aura été soulevée UADER: ils signalent des irrégularités dans l&#39;occupation des postes
Les problèmes liés à l&#39;occupation des postes au sein de l&#39;Université Autonome d&#39;Entre Ros (UADER), situation aggravée à l&#39;Ecole Normale de Paran Selon un groupe de travailleurs de cette maison d&#39;études supérieures et en coïncidence avec ce qui est publié sur ce média, les autorités de l&#39;UADER ont nommé aux personnes dans certains sièges sans compléter l&#39;exemple des compétitions de fond et d&#39;opposition, et, d&#39;autre part, ceux qui ont remporté les concours ont été informés que lorsque changer leur situation de la revue, un concept qui n&#39;est pas clair à ce qu&#39;il appelle ils ont gagné l&#39;instance, ils publieront encore toutes les heures sans aucune garantie ni pour être personnel de la maison, ni pour avoir un bon concept puisque c&#39;est dans la propre institution où ils ne se mettent pas au courant avec cette exigence de chaque école. Por estas horas, ANALISIS DIGITAL pudo saber que se habran elevado a las autoridades pertinentes el pedido de realizacin de los Concursos.

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Fuertes deslind responsabilidades de la denuncia por desvo de fondos en la construccin de viviendas en Villaguay.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo
      2&#39; 59" – 203 Visitas
A las casas las construy un organismo ajeno al municipio de Villaguay, aclar el ex intendente Viviendas y desvo de fondos: Es casi imposible encuadrar mi accin en un tipo penal, asever Fuertes
El ex intendente de Villaguay y ex ministro de Turismo de la provincia, Adrin Fuertes, desestim su responsabilidad en la ejecucin del plan de viviendas que es objeto de una denuncia penal interpuesta por el delegado en Entre Ros de la Secretara de Vivienda de la Nacin, Luis Uriona. No voy a hacer la tpica defensa de estos casos de acusar cuestiones polticas sino simplemente voy a decir que como corresponde a un ciudadano me present en la Fiscala donde se present la denuncia y me puse a disposicin personalmente ofreciendo cualquier tipo de documentacin que se necesite para esclarecer la situacin, seal. Adems, asever que el 100 por ciento de las viviendas estn construidas y aclar que la ejecucin estaba a cargo de un organismo ajeno a la Municipalidad de Villaguay y en absoluto haba control municipal. En tal sentido, afirm que la Municipalidad de Villaguay se limitaba a recibir el dinero, transferirlo a las cuentas del consorcio y luego elevar la rendicin. Ante ello, advirti que es casi imposible encuadrar mi accin en un tipo penal, porque hablan de una falta de celo en el control, cuando los intendentes en ningn caso controlan los metros de construccin y en este caso ni el municipio ni yo ejecutbamos estas construcciones.

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El rector de la UTN, Hctor Aibada.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      2&#39; 30" – 133 Visitas
Para gastos de funcionamiento Desde la UTN manifestaron su preocupacin por el retraso de fondos nacionales
El rgano de co-gobierno de la Universidad Tecnolgica Nacional (UTN) manifest su preocupacin por el retraso de la transferencia de fondos por parte del gobierno nacional, que sirven para sustentar el funcionamiento diario de la academia. El Consejo Superior Universitario de la UTN resolvi la aprobacin de un comunicado donde sealaron seis puntos entre los cuales se exige "el pronto cumplimiento de la ejecucin presupuestaria de gastos de funcionamiento" y la "continuidad al Plan de Infraestructura Universitaria" con el objetivo de "completar y dar inicio a las obras necesarias para el funcionamiento de las casas de estudio".

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Gainza declar esta semana ante la Justicia Federal por la causa narcomunicipio.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      5&#39; 18" – 622 Visitas
Habra ms funcionarios citados a declarar Causa narcomunicipio: la declaracin del concejal Gainza y otros puntos de relevancia
El concejal de Cambiemos Emanuel Gainza declar esta semana ante el juez federal Leandro Ros por la causa que investiga presuntas vinculaciones con la banda narco que lidera Daniel Tavi Celis. El programa televisivo Cuestin de Fondo (Cbad 9 Litoral) revel los pasajes ms relevantes de su exposicin ante la Justicia, as como tambin algunas revelaciones que realiz la ex mujer de Celis, Luciana Lemos, quien complic la situacin del intendente Sergio Varisco al vincularlo con el negocio del narcotrfico, as como tambin de los detenidos, el concejal Pablo Hernndez y la funcionaria municipal y policial, Griselda Bordeira. Tambin se revel en el programa televisivo que despus de la feria judicial habra nuevas citaciones judiciales para el secretario de Servicios Pblicos municipal, Ricardo Frank; el titular del Centro de Integracin de Servicios Ciudadanos, Roberto Sabbioni; al secretario de Legal y Tcnica de la Municipalidad, Walter Rolandelli; al fiscal de Estado, Francisco Avero; al asistente personal del intendente, Ricardo Gutirrez, y a las funcionarias municipales Candela Carminio y Mnica Priz.

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La Municipalidad de Paran cuenta con 434 millones de pesos en plazos fijos.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      1&#39; 56" – 373 Visitas
Tambin tiene un depsito en dlares La Municipalidad de Paran cuenta con 434 millones de pesos en plazos fijos
La administracin del intendente Sergio Varisco dispuso hasta junio pasado de 434.459.248,84 pesos en plazos fijos y de 7.205.526,15 dlares. La informacin consta en un detalle de las colocaciones financieras del municipio que fue elaborado por la Tesorera General de Paran. Segn datos oficiales, entre el 15 de noviembre de 2016 y el 25 de abril pasado el Departamento Ejecutivo municipal efectu 176 depsitos en el Nuevo Banco de Entre Ros SA (NBERSA). En tanto, en el mismo perodo y coincidiendo con el vencimiento de otros tantos certificados, hubo18 transferencias a tres cuentas oficiales -la 90.241/0, la 125.478/3 y la 90.393/2- segn se revel en el programa Cuestin de Fondo, que se emite por Cbad 9 Litoral.

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La causa ATER, con 128 procesados, no tiene precedentes en la historia penal de Entre Ros.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      7&#39; 15" – 1423 Visitas
Causa ATER con 128 procesados La megaestafa al Estado entrerriano se encamina a juicio
La megaestafa el Estado entrerriano a travs de compensaciones truchas con la Administradora Tributaria de Entre Ros (ATER), se encamina al debate oral. La causa tiene 128 procesados y est en una instancia previa a la elevacin a juicio. La defraudacin inicial se calcul en ms de 46 millones de pesos; y en el expediente hay ex empleados provinciales procesados, contadores, personas fsicas y empresas. El programa televisivo Cuestin de Fondo (Cbad 9 Litoral) revel cmo se piensa un debate judicial sin precedentes en la historia penal provincial.

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Diego Cardona Herreros es investigado por sus vnculos con Sergio Urribarri y las contrataciones con el Estado provincial.

05/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      3&#39; 52" – 3559 Visitas
Los operativos fueron entre el jueves y viernes pasado Causa por enriquecimiento ilcito: allanaron al empresario paraguayo Cardona Herreros y al contador de Urribarri y Marizza
Las empresas del empresario paraguayo Diego Cardona Herreros fueron allanadas el jueves y viernes pasado, en el marco de la investigacin por enriquecimiento ilcito que involucra a la familia del ex gobernador Sergio Urribarri. Segn se indic a ANLISIS DIGITALlos operativos se produjeron en tres domicilios comerciales de Buenos Aires y el domicilio particular del amigo y socio de Urribarri. Se secuestr documentacin relacionada a Urribarri y su familia, as como computadoras, servidores externos y notebooks, se precis. Otro lugar donde se desplegaron operativos judiciales fue en un domicilio del contador de Urribarri y el empresario Miguel Marizza, Jos Sal, donde incautaron documentos y servidores. Todo el material est siendo revisado por el Gabinete de Informtica del Ministerio Pblico Fiscal (MPF) del Poder Judicial provincial.

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Diego Lara.

04/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      4&#39; 2" – 474 Visitas
Lo confirm Lara, quien respondi las crticas de Cambiemos Los pedidos de desafuero de Bez y Urribarri ingresaron a la comisin de Asuntos Constitucionales de Diputados
El diputado provincial Diego Lara (FpV) dijo advertir una animosidad por parte de los colegas opositores que lo cuestionaron duramente por la demora en tratar el pedido de desafuero del ex gobernador y actual presidente de la Cmara Baja, Sergio Urribarri, y el diputado Pedro Bez, formulados por el juez de Transicin, Gustavo Maldonado. En ese sentido, breg por tratar el tema en el marco del respeto y la seriedad de cualquier cuestin institucional y seal que en cualquier tema de esta naturaleza, no podemos conceder a las apuradas ni nos podemos condicionar con ningn plazo. En esto cada uno quiere sacar un rdito poltico y llama la atencin que (los legisladores de Cambiemos) tengan la mirada puesta en esto y no opinen absolutamente nada del contexto que estamos viviendo en Argentina, gobernada por un espacio poltico que ellos integran, critic. En ese marco, confirm que este martes decidi incluir el tema aunque no estaba en el orden del da de la comisin e instruy que por Secretara de la comisin se realicen copias del pedido de desafuero para que todos lo conozcan. Asimismo, aclar que en esto no hay plazos pero marc su compromiso para continuar el tratamiento del tema en la prxima reunin que haya, que seguramente ser despus del receso. Adelant adems que habr que badizarlo porque ac hubo un procesamiento confirmado por la Cmara y no se necesit el desafuero.

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Los paps y abuelos de Justina Lo Cane estuvieron en el recinto. (Foto: Clarn)

04/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      4&#39; 1" – 307 Visitas
Toda persona mayor de 18 aos es donante Diputados sancion por unanimidad la ley Justina de donacin de rganos
En un clima de profunda sensibilidad y con un nivel de coincidencias pocas veces visto, la Cmara de Diputados de la Nacin sancion este mircoles por unanimidad -202 votos- la denominada ley Justina, que reemplaza a la actual Ley 24.193 de Trasplante de rganos y Tejidos, y que convierte en donante a toda persona mayor de 18 aos, salvo que exprese su oposicin. Diputados de todos los bloques hablaron de un cambio de paradigma. Los padres y abuelos de Justina Lo Cane, la nia que muri a la espera de un trasplante de corazn y que impuls este debate, estuvieron en el recinto y siguieron la sesin muy emocionados junto a sus otros pequeos hijos. El momento ms emotivo del debate fue con el discurso de Pablo Kosiner, quien relat su experiencia personal, mostrando una foto de su hijo: Si las circunstancias hubiesen sido otras, yo debera estar junto a los padres de Justina. Me toc la situacin desgraciada de perder a Juan Pablo en una terapia del Hospital Italiano en 2011 esperando un trasplante de rganos.

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Marcelo Galarza ingresa este mircoles a ver su hija Nahir tras la condena a perpetua. (Foto: R2820)

04/07/2018 –  tiempo 
      1&#39; 28" – 376 Visitas
Tras la condena a prisin perpetua Nahir recibi la visita de sus padres: Espero que estn contentos con este circo, dijo su pap
Luego de la condena a perpetua por matar a Fernando Pastorizzo y su alojamiento en prisin preventiva en la Comisara del Menor y la Mujer de Gualeguaych, la joven Nahir Galarza recibi este mircoles la visita de sus padres, Marcelo Galarza y Yamina Kroh. Llegaron acompaados del hermano de la chica, de otro menor y de la psicloga Graciela Tobar, que atiende a la joven desde que est detenida y que antes de conocerse el fallo haba dicho que la chica esperaba sus horas decisivas con ansiedad y angustia. El encuentro podra reiterarse el sbado, otro de los das habilitados para visitas.


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Desde las 22, habr numerosas actividades culturales
Se realizar este viernes la Mostra Variet en el saln de ATE
Desde el espacio Travas, tortas y maricas en luchase invita a la comunidad toda a participar este viernes 6 de julio, desde las 22, de la Mostra Variet: Orgullo, fuego y furia travestique se realizar en el Saln de ATE (calle Colon 59) de la ciudad de Paran. En ese marco, habr numerosas actividades culturales a cargo de artistas y activistas travestis de la capital entrerriana; participarn tambin del evento la Murga Cacho Bochinche, Danza Combate, La Conventillo, Mar de Fueguitos Swing, Lumire, Tribal Bellydance, Las Mojarras, lecturas de Analia y Marce Soez. Habr muestra fotogrfica y pinturas. La propuesta cultural, viene acompaada de un reclamo que lleva adelante el sector que conforma el antes mencionado espacio de lucha y resistencia, en relacin al desarrollo e implementacin de polticas pblicas reales, que generen instancias de inclusin laboral, como es la urgente sancin del Cupo Laboral Trans, el acceso y permanencia en el sistema de salud y educacin, la real implementacin de la ley de identidad de gnero en nuestra provincia.

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Este jueves, con la presencia de lxs directores en la sala
Una pelcula sobre Osvaldo Bayer se proyectar en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin
Este jueves se proyectar y debatir en la capital entrerriana la pelcula documental Pueden lⒶs anarquistas bailar? (sobre Osvaldo Bayer). El encuentro ser a las 18.30 en el Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh (Buenos Aires 389) de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin. Adems, asistirn les directorxs del documental: Juan Pablo Gutirrez y Patricia Coppola, ambxs de Crdoba. La actividad es organizada por la Revista Mate y el Espacio Libertario de Paran. La convocatoria es para el pblico general, entrada libre y gratuita.

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Este viernes a las 20, con entrada libre y gratuita
La Biblioteca Popular presenta el libro Morir tan luego
Este viernes a partir de las 20 se presentar el libro Morir tan luego: Premios del Concurso Literario Biblioteca Popular del Paran; Edicin 2017. La obra, impresa bajo el sello Ediciones Biblioteca Popular del Paran, rene los 38 cuentos breves que fueron premiados o recibieron mencin de publicacin en el certamen literario 2017. La presentacin ser en la sede de la institucin de calle Buenos Aires 256, con entrada libre y gratuita.

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Se puede visitar hasta el 8 de julio en el Club Social, con entrada libre y gratuita
Paran recibe la muestra itinerante Yupanqui, Tierra que anda
Hasta el 8 de julio se podr visitar en la ciudad de Paran la exhibicin itinerante sobre el ms grande folklorista argentino, en conmemoracin de los 110 aos de su nacimiento. YUPANQUI, tierra que andaest estructurada bajo tres ejes: La montaa, La selva y La pampaque reflejan los tres misterios del hombre en la Argentina que Yupanqui abord magistralmente en sus creaciones. La exhibicin rene una serie de objetos, fotos, audios y frases que podrn visitarse en el Club Social de Paran.

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Entre el 18 y el 20 de septiembre en Buenos Aires
Tendr lugar un nuevo Encuentro Nacional de Carreras de Comunicacin
Se convoca a estudiantes de Comunicacin Social a participar de XIII EXPOCOM 2018 que se realizar en el marco del Encuentro Nacional de Carreras de Comunicacin. El mismo se desarrollar en la ciudad de Olavarra, Buenos Aires, entre el 18 y el 20 de septiembre. Los interesados en participar con producciones estudiantiles deben realizar una preinscripcin. Para participar pueden presentar piezas radiofnicas, audiovisuales, grficas o interactivas que se hayan realizado en 2017.


* Ser instalada en el Puerto Nuevo la tradicional Feria de Invierno de Paran
* Improvisaciones de Saltimbanquis en la Plaza Senz Pea
* Abiertas las inscripciones para el Taller de bufn y Laboratorio de descomposicin dramatrgica
* Paran: todo listo para una nueva edicin del Festival de Espectculos Infantiles
* Se viene el Tercer Tablado Murguero en La Vieja Usina


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Enfrentar a tres equipos santafesinos en su preparacin
Patronato ya defini tres de cuatro amistosos de pretemporada
El cuerpo tcnico de Patronato ya cuenta con tres amistosos confirmados para la pretemporada que realiza rumbo a la segunda edicin de la Superliga Argentina de Ftbol (SAF), cuyo inicio est previsto para el 10 de agosto. El primero de los encuentros lo disputar ante Coln de Santa Fe, el 14 de julio; posteriormente, el 21 de julio, los futbolistas del Santo se medirn ante la Reserva de Unin de Santa Fe; por ltimo, el 1 de agosto, el rival de los dirigidos por Juan Pablo Pumpido ser Atltico de Rafaela, que se prepara para la venidera Primera B Nacional. Cabe destacar que el 26 del corriente mes ser el debut oficial para el Patrn por los 32avos de final de la Copa Argentina; su rival ser el ltimo ascendido a Primera Divisin, San Martn de Tucumn.

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Este viernes debutar Azaad junto a Capogrosso
Beach Volley: la entrerriana Gallay avanz en Portugal
La nogoyaense Ana Gallay y su compaera Fernanda Pereyra se clasificaron a la segunda ronda de la etapa que desarrolla el Circuito Mundial de la Federacin Internacional de Beach Volley (FIVB) en Espinho, Portugal. Este jueves, en su debut derrotaron a las espaolas Liliana y Elsa por 2-1, con parciales de 18-21, 33-31 y 15-10. Posteriormente, se midieron con las brasileas Mara Antonelli y Carol, y cayeron en sets corridos, con parciales de 21-11, 24-22. Con este resultado quedaron segundas en el Grupo D y este viernes continuarn su participacin. Por su parte, el cerritense Julin Azaad junto a Nicols Capogrosso debutar este viernes en el cuadro principal entre los varones.

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Los entrerrianos irn por el pase en el Sper Rugby
En Jaguares, Ortega Desio ser titular y Kremer volver al banco
El entrenador de los Jaguares, Mario Ledesma, confirm la formacin titular y los suplentes para visitar a Bulls en Pretoria, Sudfrica, donde ir por la clasificacin a los playoffs del Super Rugby. En ese sentido, el paranaense Javier Ortega Desio fue ratificado para integrar el XV, tal como lo hizo en el ltimo triunfo ante Stormers en cancha de Vlez. En cambio, el concordiense Marcos Kremer integrar el banco de relevos, aunque reaparecer tras haberse quedado al margen de la ltima convocatoria por una lesin. En la alineacin principal, Matas Alemanno reemplazar a Toms Lavanini y Matas Moroni a Matas Orlando. El encuentro ser este sbado desde las 10.05 (hora argentina) en el estadio Loftus Versfeld, con el arbitraje de Egon Sconds.

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Brujas de Blgica ofreci cuatro millones de dlares
San Lorenzo rechaz oferta millonaria por el concordiense Senesi
Brujas de Blgica est interesado en contratar al concordiense Marcos Senesi, pero su oferta no fue aceptada por San Lorenzo de Almagro. El club que form futbolsticamente al defensor rechaz un ofrecimiento de cuatro millones de dlares al considerarlo insuficiente. Cabe destacar que desde el Cicln pretenden alrededor de siete millones de la moneda extranjera para transferir al zaguero entrerriano que form parte de la seleccin argentina sub 20. Por otra parte, mientras transita las primeras semanas de su pretemporada, la entidad del Bajo Flores espera que Ariel Rojas se desvincule de River para transformarlo en refuerzo para la prxima Superliga.

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El concordiense espera aprovechar la doble fecha
Ponte y la doble fecha del TRV6: Si funcionamos bien, volvemos con un montn de puntos
El Top Race correr dos fechas (badta y sptima) entre viernes y domingo en el circuito internacional de Termas de Ro Hondo, Santiago Del Estero, por eso el concordiense Martn Ponte se prepara para aprovecharlo. El hecho de que haya dos carreras lo hace todava ms importante al fin de semana, porque si funcionamos bien nos volvemos con un montn de puntos, y, si no, lo pags carsimo como nos pas en San Juan, resumi el integrante del MS Sportteam que marcha dcimo, con 19 puntos, en el campeonato. En cuanto a sus objetivos, el entrerriano dese dar un paso adelante con el andar de su Mercedes Benz y dijo estar ilusionado de tener un buen funcionamiento en un trazado que le gusta mucho.


* Del Potro aplast a Feliciano Lpez y dio otro paso en Wimbledon
* Voleibol: la paranaense Michel Tosi, otra vez a Las Panteras
* En Patronato nunca me dieron la posibilidad, asegur Leo Morales
* Bsquet: seis equipos saldrn al escenario y harn su estreno
* La Filial Paran de Unin de Santa Fe festejar un nuevo aniversario de su nacimiento