Nurse adopted a little girl no one was going to visit | Chronic


Liz Smith, a 45-year-old nurse, adopted a girl who was admitted to a hospital in Boston, United States, after being abandoned.

The little Gisele had a syndrome of neonatal abstinence due to the drug use by her mother during pregnancy. The baby's care was delivered to the state of Mbadachusetts in October 2016, but Liz proposed to adopt her as an adoptive mother.

Three years later, Gisele celebrates her birthday with Liz, who is officially her mother, in accordance with the adoption process.

The baby was born weighing less than a kilo and spent three months using an artificial respirator. His condition caused him to develop an oral aversion, so that he could neither eat nor drink.

During all the months of her hospitalization, the little girl did not receive any visits, with the exception of those of Liz, who kept her until she went away. better.

"When I received the call informing me that the custody of the parents was over, I felt relieved, but also sad for them, it is impossible to fight the addiction and d? to be a mother ". He affirmed and added: "From the moment I met her, I knew that there was something behind her striking blue eyes that caught my eye, I felt that I was there." "Needed to love this girl and to protect her."


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