Nurse killed eight babies, tried to kill nine more – News


Police in England reported crimes between 2015 and 2016. “During that time a dedicated team of detectives have been working very hard on this case,” Chief Inspector Paul Hughes said.

Lucy Letby was previously arrested in July 2018 and June 2019 on suspicion of murder in connection with the death of eight babies and the attempted murder of six babies. Now they have joined the attempt of three more.

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The detective, after listing the series of arrests of the woman, has empathized with families who are going through a difficult time due to the crime of their newborns.

“It is an extremely difficult time for all families and it is important to remember that at the center of it there are several grieving families who are looking for answers about what happened to their children,” continued the chief inspector.

The investigation into the deaths of babies in this hospital began in May 2017, after the death of 15 newborns held in neonatal care, this fateful period was analyzed.

Then, with more evidence and suspicion, detectives extended the expertise to 17 more babies and 16 collapses that were not fatal at similar times.

The main suspect’s home was searched and officers removed several boxes full of evidence for analysis.


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