Nurse managed to film when Hurricane Ida ripped off the roof of a New Orleans hospital


During a hurricane, many homes and buildings suffer great damage due to the force of the winds and intense rains that this phenomenon brings. This was the case with Hurricane Ida, which made landfall in the state of Louisiana, United States, on Sunday, August 29.

The phenomenon happened with maximum winds of more than 240 kilometers per hour. As a result of the strong cyclone, the power supply to the entire city of New Orleans was cut off, generating a lot of tension among its residents.

More than a million inhabitants of the southern state of United States were affected. Authorities fear that supplies may not be restored within days. A local leader from the Greater New Orleans area said, “It will be a tough life for a while. “

In addition, the typhoon increased the flow of water in the Mississippi River, which caused havoc as it passed. Social networks reflected the damage suffered by the inhabitants of the place with this natural disaster.

Video from Twitter @Livestormchaser.

In this sense, Instagram user @chrissyinthesun shared a video of the terrifying moment she experienced when Hurricane Ida tore off the roof of a hospital where she works. In the clip shot by the nurse Christiane Gottbrath you can see how the woman is looking out the window of the main hospital of the Ochsner Health campus in Jefferson, a suburb of New Orleans the intensity of the cyclone.

Video from Twitter @ VideosVirales69.

It was there that with her cell phone in hand, the nurse was able to capture the exact moment when the roof of the building opposite was lifted by the sky due to the high winds. Due to the detachment, debris was hung up that ended up hitting the window where the woman was.

Fortunately, the glass withstood the blows of ceiling pieces that were suspended in the air. Even like that, Gottbrath and another colleague who was with her moved away from the window lest the glass break.

Some 5,000 members of the National Guard They were deployed to assist the population in the search and rescue of possible victims. So far there are at least two deaths. One person was killed by a tree that struck his home in Ascension Parish, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, while another was caused by his car sinking.

Authorities have confirmed that while there is no new register of victims, they believe it will increase as tracing efforts continue.


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