OAS condemned Nicaragua for arresting opponents but Argentina abstained from voting


The Organization of American States (OAS) has “unequivocally” condemned the arrest of opponents of the government of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, and called for the “immediate release of presidential candidates and all political prisoners” in the Central American country, according to a resolution released on Tuesday that the Argentine government abstained from voting.

“We do not agree with the countries which, far from supporting the normal development of democratic institutions, neglect the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, so dear to our history”Argentina’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Nicaraguan regime steps up crackdown at start of presidential campaign

The text was approved by 26 votes – including the United States, Chile, Colombia and Peru – during an extraordinary session of the OAS Permanent Council, the executive body of the regional bloc. Bolivia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines voted against, while Argentina, Belize, Dominica, Honduras and Mexico abstained.

At the same time, the Nicaraguan representatives strongly condemned the interference of the multilateral organization and accused the United States of deploying an “interventionist policy”.

Argentine government explained why it “disagrees”

The Argentine government said it did not agree “with the intention of imposing directives from outside or unduly prejudging the development of electoral processes” and demanded that the OAS “take over. constructive spirit of its Charter “.

The government also said it called for “restoring inter-American dialogue” and expressed “full willingness to work together constructively.”

“We are convinced that this situation will be overcome by the Nicaraguans themselves, by preserving peaceful coexistence, the division of powers, respect for minorities, constitutional guarantees and, in general, full respect for all human rights, ”the statement concluded.

Michelle Bachelet once again called on the Nicaraguan government to release prisoners of conscience

In the same note published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the national government said that with Mexico “they express their concern at the recent events in Nicaragua”, in particular at “the arrest of political figures of the opposition, whose consideration would contribute to the electoral process receive appropriate international recognition and support.

“We have witnessed inadmissible cases of political persecution in several countries in the region. We reject this conduct,” the note said.

What is happening in Nicaragua

The OAS condemnation comes amid harsh criticism from the international community and US sanctions for the arrest of 13 opponents, including four presidential candidates, prominent members of the Sandinista dissent, and leaders of private businesses and civil society.

The raids that began on June 2 leads to the arrest of Cristiana Chamorro, daughter of former president Violeta Barrios de Chamorroby former diplomat Arturo Cruz, political scientist Félix Maradiaga and economist Juan Sebastián Chamorro, cousin of Cristiana, whose immediate release is demanded by the international community.

Bachelet pointed out to the UN the 7 countries in human rights crisis in Latin America

President Daniel Ortega, a former guerrilla who reigned from 1979 to 1990, returned to power in 2007 with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and remains there after two successive re-elections. His opponents believe he will run for a fourth term in the November 7 elections.

Ortega accused by the opposition and the international community of ruling in an authoritarian manner, after the brutal crackdown on protests against his administration in 2018, which left more than 300 dead and thousands in exiles, according to human rights organizations.

Sandinism assured that it would hold general elections “free, fair and transparent“And demanded” the non-interference of any foreign government “in the process. In addition, he demanded that the unilateral sanctions imposed be “eliminated”, because he considers that “the only legal sanctions are those dictated by the Security Council of the United Nations. “.


The OAS condemned

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