OAS experts call on ICC to investigate Venezuela for crimes against humanity


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro gestures during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro gestures during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)

A group of experts appointed by the Organization of American States (OEA) urged on Monday the International Penal Court (CPI) to announce the opening of an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity against Venezuela, whose case is preliminary examination.

In a statement, the panel of experts spoke of the situation in this Caribbean country, which since February 2018 has been under preliminary examination for alleged abuse by its security forces, both in protests that have taken place since April 2017 and in some prisons where opponents have been mistreated.

The panel, appointed in 2017 by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, requested that the investigation be initiated. But about the opening or not of this investigation former ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda had to rule, who left office on June 15 and was replaced by British lawyer Karim Khan.

For experts, “any delay” in this process “It would be inappropriate and would only cause more damage to the Venezuelan people.”

Bensouda told the agency on June 8 EFE What he hoped to announce whether or not he would open an investigation in Venezuela for crimes against humanity as soon as the court has resolved a claim from the Caribbean country, who complained of “discriminatory” and “unequal” treatment.

In the note, experts said that ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I dismissed on July 2 for “unfair“The demand of Venezuela.

In this context, the panel considered that “the start of the investigation into crimes against humanity committed in Venezuela should be announced”.

The expert group, made up of Manuel Ventura Robles (Costa Rica), Canton of Santiago (Argentina) and Irwin Cotler (Canada), stressed that the postponement of this case would also allow that “crimes against humanity continue to be committed and serious and systematic violations of human rights ”.

Likewise, he said that any visit to this country “should be carried out as part of an investigation, once opened”, following the invitation by the Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek Saab, to the chief prosecutor of ICC, Karim Khan.

(With information from EFE)

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