Obama spoke of UFOs: “We can’t explain how they move” – ​​News


The former President of the United States referred to the videos captured by the military and assured that “they are real” and stressed: “We cannot explain how they move”.

Barack Obama participated in an interview on the show “The Late Show with James Corden” for the CBS and although he started joking about it at first, he asserted: “What is true, and in fact I’m serious, is that there are images and recordings of objects in the sky that we don’t know exactly what they are “.

In this way, the former president referred to the videos captured by the US military and warned:We don’t know what they are and we can’t explain how they move“.

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“We cannot explain how they move, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable model. So I think people still take this seriously, trying to investigate and find out what it is. “How did he.

On the other hand, he revealed that when he was president he was curious about the rumors of a Roswell-style secret lab, where they kept alien specimens. “Look, the truth is when I took office I asked, ‘Is there a lab somewhere where we keep the alien samples and the spaceships? They did a bit of research… and the answer was ‘no’, ”he joked.

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In April, the US Department of Defense admitted that the images and videos leaked to the local press were legitimate. In them you can see unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

As Pentagon spokesperson Sue Gough revealed, those who managed to capture the records were members of the Navy, who were surprised to see differently shaped objects in the sky with flashing lights.

Three elements can be identified in the images: one circular, another in the shape of an “acorn” and another similar to a “metallic airship”.


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