Object similar to one found in Utah has appeared in Romania – News


The artifact was found two days after it was reported discovery in Utah and they have the same morphology: a metallic structure, about four meters high and triangular with horizontal projection.

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The only difference is that the object found in Romania does not have a smooth surface, but is covered with a pattern.

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Authorities have already started the search for the person who installed the structure, claiming he violated private property. In addition, it is a protected area, as it is located a few meters from the ancient fortress of Petrodava.

“To do anything there, he needed permission from us, which must be approved by the ministry. [de Cultura]Rocsana Josanu, chief executive officer of culture and heritage of the Neamt region, told the newspaper truth.

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After the buzz generated in the networks by this discovery, some people suggest that it is about a “marketing” strategy of the minimalist sculptor John McCracken.

Others have slipped into more creative options: an “alien super weapon”, an “old prototype of Xbox new generation ”or“ NASA device ”.


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