Ocaña claimed to suspend the application of the Sputnik V vaccine and Quirós responded


Together for Change national deputy Graciela Ocaña today asked the national government suspend the application of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V as a preventive measure until the European control agencies or the WHO give their final approval.

The claim of Ocaña, list partner of Diego Santilli in the province of Buenos Aires, comes at a time when More than 11 million Argentines have applied one or two doses of the vaccine produced in Moscow by the Gamaleya laboratory.

“It would be preferable suspend purchases and suspend all development of these vaccines and switch to vaccines that are approved, even as it can be that of AstraZeneca as Moderna, Chinese vaccines that are also approved by the WHO, ”Ocaña said in statements to the press.

From the same political space they share, the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Fernand Quiros, ruled at the request of the deputy of Juntos. “Beyond what other regulatory bodies do, it’s the ANMAT that decides”said the Minister of Health of the city of Buenos Aires in statements made to Radio con Vos. After providing the clarification, he said he hadn’t heard Ocaña’s words.

“Frankly, I did not hear the declaration of the substitute candidate. Likewise, these statements should always be well contextualized. So I wouldn’t want to comment on what he said without first seeing the big picture, ”he said.

And he concluded: “But decidedly, we all know that given this pandemic and the situation we find ourselves in, all the vaccines approved in each jurisdiction can be applied. I would tend to follow the vaccination plan. The best vaccine is the one we give ourselves. “

Ocaña’s request is added to that formulated by the opposition after the National Epidemiological and Microbiological Research Center Gamaleya replied that it could not answer the questions posed by the deputies of the Committee for health and social action.

In this direction, A group of lawmakers have called on the government to require the Russian Direct Investment Fund to submit the necessary documentation to the World Health Organization (WHO).

In addition, the request comes after the administration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, announced that tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V.

In this context, the Russian Investment Fund which developed the Russian doses replied that Sputnik V “It has been approved in 70 countries where more than 4,000 million people live, or more than half of the world’s population.”, and that “its efficacy and safety have been confirmed both in clinical trials and throughout its real world use in several countries.”

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