Ocasio-Cortez feared she would be raped during the assault on the Capitol | The Democratic MP told CNN how she experienced the eruption of a crowd of Trump supporters


Democrat MK Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez feared she would be raped in assault on Capitol Hill by a crowd of supporters of former President Donald Trump on January 6. This was explained by itself in an interview with CNN, some excerpts of which have been advanced. Ocasio-Cortez, one of America’s favorite right-wing targets, reflected on how she felt about “misogyny and racism so deeply rooted and exacerbated in the attack”.

White supremacism and patriarchy are linked in many ways, there is a lot of sexualization of violence and that day, not only did I think I was going to be murdered, I thought other things could happen to me too, “recalled Ocasio-Cortez, 31 years. When asked if she thought she was going to be raped, the MP firmly replied, “Yes, yes, I did.”

Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that the Trumpist horde that stormed Capitol Hill was not only following an alleged theory of electoral fraud, but was internally “driven” by a “misogynist” and racist spirit. charges for the events of January 6 against more than 570 people, ranging from possession of weapons, insurgency, aggression against authority, invasion of restricted public spaces and attempts to cripple electoral processes.

Victim of sexual assault

In February of this year, Ocasio-Cortez had revealed in a direct on her Instagram account that she considered herself a survivor of a sexual assault in the past., of which he did not give details, and which was not related to the assault on the Capitol. And that this fact and the times he lived at the seat of Congress was a trauma for him.

The decision to tell your story as a victim of sexual violence when she was in her twenties “was not aware “, admitted. “You don’t say, ‘This is the time. I will do it now ‘. It feels like something is happening that almost pushes you to, and almost somehow forces you to introduce yourself, “said the MP, adding:” Because I think many survivors would rather never again. talk about what happened. “

“Survivors have a very strong skill set. the skills you need as a survivor, the tools you build for resilience, come back immediately“, Declared the MP during the interview, explaining that she felt that these capacities” reappear immediately to be able to survive “.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has just started his second term in the House of Representatives, described the fateful January 6 she was locked in her office bathroom, heard a knock on doors, and finally heard a voice asking, “Where is he?” “ The leader of American progressivism did not know at the time that it was a police officer who sat on Capitol Hill because, according to her, the agent never identified himself.

A “painful” first term

When Ocasio-Cortez arrived in Washington two years ago, after surprisingly outdoing a high-ranking Democrat, his new colleagues were slow to accept him. Some never have. Although he rarely spoke about it in public, Ocasio-Cortez said in the interview that his first term “was very painful.”

“I went in and downgraded a track that, while it maybe didn’t resonate with our community, was very popular in those, you know, smoky rooms.”said Ocasio-Cortez. “I took a friend from among these members. And so, I entered a very cold environment, even within my own party,” he added.

This title, Former New York Rep. Joe Crowley was the fourth House Democrat when he lost his seat to Ocasio-Cortez, who refused him an eleventh term. The MP said she was rejected by some of Crowley’s old friends and others who questioned her good faith, but never took the time to involve her once she arrived on Capitol Hill.

In this sense, Ocasio-Cortez said that sometimes “it was very rare to go to the House of Representatives and see a colleague who never greeted me”. “I felt that, wow, it is very difficult that there are people who have opinions about you who are sitting next to you and who do not even strike up a conversation with you“, he expressed.

Your future in politics

In another part of the dialogue with CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was ambiguous when asked if she would run in the 2022 primaries against current Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “I know the whole world is going crazy” with this affair, said who belongs to the Democratic wing led by Bernie Sanders. The MP stressed that she has worked closely with Schumer on many issues and that is what is important to her. “We’ll see …” he settled down.

Ocasio-Cortez was also asked about her possible White House aspirations in the future, to which she replied that she didn’t want to look so long-term so as not to question her commitment to her current job. “I know there are a lot of people who don’t believe this, but I really can’t function as I function and do the things that I do in politics while trying to aspire to other things or to calculate other things“, he manifested himself.


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