Ocasio-Cortez said she suffered sexual abuse and …


The Democratic MP Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez it gave details of what happened on the day of the Capitol attack in a live that he did via his Instagram account and compared the trauma of the experience to a situation of sexual abuse he experienced and is now recounting for the first time. “Those people who tell us that we should move on, forget what happened, that it’s not that bad and that we have to apologize use the same tactics as aggressorsSaid the young politician in reference to her peers in the Republican Party who still support former President Donald Trump.

“I’m a sexual assault survivor and haven’t told a lot of people in my life”Ocasio-Cortez said during the video she uploaded to her social media and placed particular emphasis on the trauma generated by experiences of violence or abuse and how they can be relived in an experience. similar.

The member of the House of Representatives argued that his Republican compatriots who encouraged the supremacist attack on the Capitol on January 6 or even “tweeted the locations of lawmakers” should be held accountable for what they did.

“Without those responsible, without facing the damage caused, loss of life and trauma inflicted, not only on myself and others, but on the whole community, we cannot move forward, we cannot not cure it, “says Ocasio-Cortez. What they ask us when they tell us to move on is that we forget so that they can do the same ”.

The young Democrat also said that on the morning of the attack, she administered the second dose of the coronavirus vaccine to herself and then returned to her office with one of her advisers. While figuring out what to order for lunch, Ocasio-Cortez heard a knock on his door “as if they wanted to break down the door.” “(My advisor) told me to ‘run and hide’,” he recalls.

“I hid behind the bathroom door and heard someone come into my office shouting ‘where is she ?! “ Account of Ocasio-Cortez.

The man turned out to be a policeman who told him he had to go to another area of ​​the Capitol, although the representative pointed out that the officer did not identify himself at any time, did not tell him not specified where he should hide or order him to carry. emergency equipment designated for these situations.

Ocasio-Cortez and his aide took refuge with fellow Democratic congressman Katie Porter, who loaned her a pair of running shoes so she could run inside the Capitol “to save her life,” though necessary, and sports clothing to disguise his appearance.

In the aftermath of the attack, the young politician said she was afraid of dying during the attack on supporters of Donald Trump.


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