Odebrecht: The figurehead of Ricardo Jaime is repentant and accused the cousin of President Mauricio Macri – 28/02/2019


In the midst of the long series of investigations ordered by Judge Marcelo Martínez De Giorgi in the case investigating the so-called circuit of corruption surrounding the award of works related to the burial of the Sarmiento train, Manuel Vázquez – designated as one of the representatives of Ricardo Jaime-, declared collaborator alleged before the prosecutor Franco Picardi and said that Ángelo Calcaterra (cousin of Mauricio Macri) paid bribes to former officials of the previous government and that it is "Calcaterra who offered the trade" to the former secretary of transport, indicated judicial sources. Clarin. According to Vázquez, the payments were made in bags in Jaime's office.

The company Odebrecht has acknowledged having paid 35 million dollars to Argentine officials until 2015 to handle and obtain various public works contracts. In this context, Comodoro Py has three causes underlying contracts awarded to the Brazilian construction company, suspected of administrative irregularities, excessive prices and payment of bribes.

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One of these files is that of Judge Martínez De Giorgi and Prosecutor Picardi, who are investigating allegations of corruption in the contract of burial of the train Sarmiento. The works, amounting to 3,000 million dollars, were granted to the consortium constituted by Odebrecht, IECSA (then of Ángelo Calcaterra, cousin of Mauricio Macri), Ghella and ComSa SA.. The Brazilian construction company had already left the project after revelations of bribes.

For the prosecution, there was an "orientation" of the offer to the successful consortium (Odebrecht, Ghella, IECSA, Comsa) and, therefore, "changes to the original contract" were generated, behind this who would be hidden alleged overestimator

The bribes were paid, according to the prosecutors, through the CAESA company of Manuel Vázquez, Jaime's former advisor to the transport secretariat, for about 600,000 pesos and payments made through companies established abroad.

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For Picardi, it was corroborated that Vázquez's signature was "fictitious" for the sole purpose of generating "invoices for services not provided," judicial sources said. Clarín.

According to the prosecutor, many of the alleged bribery payments "were made through the intermediary of foreign companies, thus providing various benefits related to the pursuit and advancement of the project in question – such as". a financial advance and work certificates ".

In this case, he testified before Picardi as alleged collaborator Manuel Vázquez, designated as a figurehead of Ricardo Jaime. Both, detained for other court cases, are charged with corruption. It is still missing Judge Martínez De Giorgi counterpart of the collaboration agreement.

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According to judicial sources, ClarinVázquez spoke about the illegal payments made by Ángelo Calcaterra, then owner of Iecsa, one of the main companies of the consortium that awarded the contract. The cousin of President Mauricio Macri is also being prosecuted for bribery in the bribery note case, and although he tried to justify the alleged kickbacks to the Kirchner government as "campaign contributions".

Now Manuel Vázquez has pointed out that Calcaterra paid bribes to Ricardo Jaime, who was then in charge of the transport zone. According to Vázquez's words, Macri's cousin is the one who proposed the deal to Jaime and, between them, they organized the bribes to direct the bidding.

During the reconstruction of Clarín, Vázquez reportedly stated that during the first meetings they agreed to payments in dollars and then, according to the progress of the work, "payments were made in bags in the offices of Jaime".

In addition, Vázquez admitted to being an intermediary in the concretization of the structure of corruption, since it is he who introduced Calcaterra with Jaime.

Prior to the consultation of this newspaper, the office of the prosecutor in charge of Franco Picardi indicated that, until the approval of the agreement, no comment will be made on this subject.

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Picardi believes that the bribes were paid through CAESA Manuel Vázquez and a network of companies based abroad. On the one hand, the Spanish companies Controls and Special Audits SL (CYAES) and CAESA – and those that would have been used to receive the "payment of bribes paid by the Odebrecht group via the company's account offshore "Klienfeld Service Ltd".

In this context, the court followed the path of money: "payments that could be identified for the investigated public officials came directly or indirectly from companies included in the UTE under contract and are presented, in light of the elements of evidence gathered, as indicated by the consideration and justification of irregular development. "

Martínez de Giorgi distinguished at least two ways of materializing irregular payments. On the one hand, through seemingly non-existent consulting services for CAESA, as well as transfers "part of the international bribe payment system set up by the Odebrecht group through its "Structured Operations Division" means accounts located abroad on behalf of offshore companies ".

Part of this route has been studied on the basis of e-mails exchanged between Vázquez and Marcelo Couri Ribeiro, director of Odebrecht. It was pointed out that "in these emails, the latter would have established that Javier Sánchez Caballero, head of IECSA, held meetings to discuss the payment of bribes during the burial of the Sarmiento train."

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For the magistrate, the administrative bodies, a series of pre-call meetings for bids and e-mail exchange during which "the payment of bribes is discussed", would explain "the alleged address of said process, the scope of the contract and its amendments. to the benefit of the winning consortium", which was then integrated by the construction company IECSA.

Only 21 irregularities were recorded in the call for tenders: among them, "it was carried out by means of a multi-step procedure, without budgetary appropriation nor legal credit and by putting the engineering and management project at the head of the bidders", moreover, "the required call publication times" have not been respected. certain essential questions of the conditions of sale have been modified at the request of the bidders ", among others.



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