Odebrecht: the prosecutor appealed the lack of merit enjoyed by Calcaterra and Corcho Rodríguez


Judicial sources said that before the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires, the prosecutor appealed the lack of merit that the federal judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi dictated in favor of entrepreneurs Mario Jose Blanco, Lorenzo Ghella, Riccardo Dina and Gianvincenzo Coppi.

This decision had also benefited Mario Cenciarini, Santiago Ramón Altieri, Alejandra Erika Kademián, Manuel Spain, Diego Alonso Hernández, Pablo Guillermo Previde, Augusto Omar Salvador, Juan Ramón Garrone, Roberto Fabián Rodríguez and Diego Luis Pugliesso, all members of the SEI company in charge of the works of burial, Odebrecht, Iecsa, Ghella and Comsa.

He also asked that businessmen be treated by gifts and bribes Héctor Javier Sánchez Caballero and Héctor Ramón Castro.

For the prosecutor, there is evidence that bribes were paid to officials of the Federal Ministry of Planning for the award of the consortium of companies ultimately designated.

According to the prosecution, the main corruption tactics were developed in two tranches, the first being attributed to the Transitional Union of Companies (UTE), and the second step was to mount the illicit payments system for which offshore companies were used for triangulation. d & # 39; money.

In this sense, the leak of nearly five million dollars to the Principality of Andorra was verified by the reuse of a fictitious contract between the four companies awarded the contract (UTE) and the Spanish company DSC, used by Odebrecht to Brussels. the entire region for the payment of bribes.

According to the prosecution, Rodriguez 's involvement was to serve as an intermediary between former employees. José López and Roberto Barattaand with the Uruguayan company Sabrimol Trading SA, which is attributed to it, the payment of bribes has been channeled.

The tax order also includes the treatment of incompatible negotiations and pbadive bribery Ricardo Jaime, Roberto Baratta, José López and Juan Pablo Schiavi.


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